This version of the documentation is archived and no longer supported.

MongoDB Package Components

Core Processes

The core components in the MongoDB package are:

mongod, the core database process
mongos the controller and query router for sharded clusters
mongo the interactive MongoDB Shell.

Windows Services

The mongod.exe and mongos.exe describe the options available for configuring MongoDB when running as a Windows Service. The mongod.exe and mongos.exe binaries provide a superset of the mongod and mongos options.

Binary Import and Export Tools

mongodump provides a method for creating BSON dump files from the mongod instances, while mongorestore makes it possible to restore these dumps. bsondump converts BSON dump files into JSON.

Data Import and Export Tools

mongoimport provides a method for taking data in JSON, CSV, or TSV and importing it into a mongod instance. mongoexport provides a method to export data from a mongod instance into JSON, CSV, or TSV.


The conversion between BSON and other formats lacks full type fidelity. Therefore you cannot use mongoimport and mongoexport for round-trip import and export operations.

Diagnostic Tools


Starting in version 4.0, MongoDB offers free Cloud monitoring for standalones and replica sets. For more information, see Free Monitoring.

mongostat and mongotop provide diagnostic information related to the current operation of a mongod instance.

mongoreplay is a traffic capture and replay tool for MongoDB that you can use to inspect and record commands sent to a MongoDB instance, and then replay those commands back onto another host at a later time. mongoreplay is available for Linux and macOS.

MongoDB 3.4 provides mongoldap for testing native operating system LDAP configuration options against a running LDAP server or set of servers.


mongofiles provides a command-line interact to a MongoDB GridFS storage system.

MongoDB Compass

New in version 3.6: MongoDB is packaged with an install_compass script, which is a platform-specific installer for MongoDB Compass Community Edition.