When you’re in the design phase of an application, evaluating database models is a critical step in the process. The database model determines the way an application handles data, directly affects the application’s performance and the ability to adapt to changing business requirements.
In recent years, new data models have come about as part of the wave of NoSQL databases. These data models were designed to be flexible in order to tackle the large volume and variety of data typically generated by Big Data applications. In contrast, the data models in relational databases are inflexible and ill equipped to accommodate the way applications process data today.
When you choose a newer, flexible database model, you benefit from:
Being able to change your data model over time to suit your evolving needs
Greater efficiency from not having to make time-consuming updates to the existing data in your system
Being able to combine data from multiple sources to create a single view of your data
MongoDB leads the pack of new database models by offering a document data model that allows for iterative and adaptive data modeling. A flexible schema design lets you incorporate new data into your application without a predefined schema. This allows you to iterate on your application with no interruption or downtime.
MongoDB is a database built for today’s always-on, Big Data applications. With MongoDB, you can simplify your design, dynamically modify the database model, and cut down on overall development time.
Contact us or download the white paper to learn more about our flexible data model.