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Create a Group


A group provides access to a distinct deployment of MongoDB clusters, replica sets and standalone processes. Users must be members of a group to access the group’s deployment. When you register as a new Ops Manager user, you must choose whether to join an existing group or create a new one.

Each group must have a globally unique name within the Ops Manager platform. The user who creates a group automatically has the Owner role for the group and can manage user access.

You can create multiple groups. Each group has a unique agent API key that is shared by the Monitoring, Backup and Automation Agents. Within each group, the Monitoring Agent must be able to connect to all hosts it monitors. If you have segregated environments separated by firewalls, you must create separate Ops Manager groups for each environment.

Working with Multiple Environments

If you have multiple MongoDB systems in distinct environments and cannot monitor all systems with a single agent, you will need to add a new group. Having a second group makes it possible to run two agents.

You may also use a second group and agent to monitor a different set of MongoDB instances in the same environment if you want to segregate the hosts within the Ops Manager console. A user can only view data from the hosts monitored in a single group at once.

After adding a second group, the Ops Manager interface will have a drop-down list that will allow you to change groups. Selecting a new group will refresh the current page with the data available from the servers in this group.

Create a Group

Choose a globally unique name for your group; this name must be unique within the Ops Manager platform. For security and auditing reasons, you cannot use a name used earlier, and once you name a group, the group’s name cannot be changed.

Ops Manager automatically adds you as the first user to the group and assigns the group a set of default alert configurations.


Click Settings, then My Groups.


Click Add Group.


Complete the Add a New Group form.

  1. Type a name for the Group in the Group Name field.

  2. Type values for the following Optional LDAP Configuration fields if needed.


    Multiple LDAP Groups Can Map to One Role

    Ops Manager roles can include more than one LDAP group. Type multiple LDAP group names in the relevant role fields separated by two semicolons (;;).

    Field Action
    LDAP Groups for Group Owner Role Type the LDAP group(s) to which the Group Owners of the Ops Manager group belong. You can type multiple LDAP groups into this field if they are separated by two semicolons (;;).
    LDAP Groups for Automation Admin Role Type the LDAP group(s) to which Ops Manager group’s Automation Administrators belong. You can type multiple LDAP groups into this field if they are separated by two semicolons (;;).
    LDAP Groups for Backup Admin Role Type the LDAP group(s) to which Ops Manager group’s Backup Administrators belong. You can type multiple LDAP groups into this field if they are separated by two semicolons (;;).
    LDAP Groups for Monitoring Admin Role Type the LDAP group(s) to which Ops Manager group’s Monitoring Administrators belong. You can type multiple LDAP groups into this field if they are separated by two semicolons (;;).
    LDAP Groups for User Admin Role Type the LDAP group(s) to which Ops Manager group’s User Administrators belong. You can type multiple LDAP groups into this field if they are separated by two semicolons (;;).
    LDAP Groups for Read Only Role Type the LDAP group(s) to which Ops Manager group’s Read Only Users belong. You can type multiple LDAP groups into this field if they are separated by two semicolons (;;).

Click Add Group.

Additional Information

Use the following procedures to modify groups: