How to Search text and returns collection based on that

I am on atlas free tier with version → 5.0.7

I am trying to build Chat system and for that I used
dmId like this “recipient_id-sender-id”

my objec looks like this

content:DM Id added to db

So from nodejs backend I try to fetch data

return db
        $text: { $search: currentUser }
      { $sort: { _id: -1 } },
      { $limit: limit },
        $lookup: {
          from: 'users',
          localField: 'creatorId',
          foreignField: '_id',
          as: 'creator',
      { $unwind: '$creator' },
      { $project: dbProjectionUsers('creator.') },

but this gives me this error -

$text is not allowed in this atlas tier

any other possible solutions possilbe

Hi @anish_jain,

but this gives me this error -
$text is not allowed in this atlas tier

Thanks for confirming your Atlas tier details and providing the aggregation pipeline in use. The above error is a bit odd as the $text operator you have used will not work in the pipeline provided in it’s current format. However, I have taken note of this as it may cause some confusion. In saying so, the pipeline will require a $match stage that contains the $text operator at the beginning similar to the following:

return db
         $match: { $text: { $search: currentUser } } 

Additionally, could you provide the use case for using the $text operator in Atlas deployment? Since this is an Atlas deployment, I would recommend taking a look at using Atlas Search which allows fine-grained text indexing and querying of data on your Atlas cluster. You may find the following documentation useful regarding Atlas Search:

I would also recommend reviewing the Text Search in the Aggregation Pipeline documentation which provides another example of the $text operator being used in an aggregation pipeline.

Hope the above is useful.


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