
fun create(value: Short): RealmAny

Creates an unmanaged RealmAny instance from a Short value.

fun create(value: Int): RealmAny

Creates an unmanaged RealmAny instance from an Int value.

fun create(value: Byte): RealmAny

Creates an unmanaged RealmAny instance from a Byte value.

fun create(value: Char): RealmAny

Creates an unmanaged RealmAny instance from a Char value.

fun create(value: Long): RealmAny

Creates an unmanaged RealmAny instance from a Long value.

fun create(value: Boolean): RealmAny

Creates an unmanaged RealmAny instance from a Boolean value.

fun create(value: String): RealmAny

Creates an unmanaged RealmAny instance from a String value.

fun create(value: Float): RealmAny

Creates an unmanaged RealmAny instance from a Float value.

fun create(value: Double): RealmAny

Creates an unmanaged RealmAny instance from a Double value.

fun create(value: Decimal128): RealmAny

Creates an unmanaged RealmAny instance from a Decimal128 value.

fun create(value: BsonObjectId): RealmAny

Creates an unmanaged RealmAny instance from a BsonObjectId value.

Creates an unmanaged RealmAny instance from a ByteArray value.

Creates an unmanaged RealmAny instance from a RealmInstant value.

Creates an unmanaged RealmAny instance from a RealmUUID value.

fun <T : RealmObject> create(value: T, clazz: KClass<out T>): RealmAny

Creates an unmanaged RealmAny instance from a RealmObject value and its corresponding KClass.

inline fun <T : RealmObject> create(realmObject: T): RealmAny

Creates an unmanaged RealmAny instance from a RealmObject value.

Creates an unmanaged RealmAny instance from a DynamicRealmObject value.

Creates an unmanaged RealmAny instance from a RealmList of RealmAny values.

To create a RealmAny containing a RealmList of arbitrary values wrapped in RealmAnys use the io.realm.kotlin.ext.realmAnyListOf.

A RealmList<RealmAny?> can contain all RealmAny types, also other collection types:

class SampleObject() : RealmObject {
val realmAnyField: RealmAny? = null
val realmObject = copyToRealm(SampleObject())

// List can contain other collections, but only `RealmList<RealmAny>` and
// `RealmDictionary<RealmAny>`.
realmObject.realmAnyField = realmAnyListOf(
// Primitive values
// Lists and dictionaries can contain other collection types
"key1" to realmListOf(),
"key2" to realmDictionaryOf())

Creates an unmanaged RealmAny instance from a RealmDictionary of RealmAny values.

To create a RealmAny containing a RealmDictionary of arbitrary values wrapped in RealmAnys use the io.realm.kotlin.ext.realmAnyDictionaryOf.

A RealmDictionary<RealmAny?> can contain all RealmAny types, also other collection types:

class SampleObject() : RealmObject {
val realmAnyField: RealmAny? = null
val realmObject = copyToRealm(SampleObject())

// Dictionaries can contain other collections, but only `RealmList<RealmAny>` and
// `RealmDictionary<RealmAny>`.
realmObject.realmAnyField = realmAnyDictionaryOf(
"int" to 5,
// Lists and dictionaries can contain other nested collection types
"list" to realmListOf(
"dictionary" to realmDictionaryOf(
"key1" to realmListOf(),
"key2" to realmDictionaryOf())