
Marker interface to define a model (managed by Realm).


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inline fun <T : TypedRealmObject> RealmObject.backlinks(sourceProperty: KProperty1<T, *>): BacklinksDelegate<T>

Returns a BacklinksDelegate that represents the inverse relationship between two Realm models.

fun <T : TypedRealmObject> RealmObject.backlinks(sourceProperty: KProperty1<T, *>, sourceClass: KClass<T>): BacklinksDelegate<T>

Defines a collection of backlinks that represents the inverse relationship between two Realm models. Any direct relationship, one-to-one or one-to-many, can be reversed by backlinks.

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Returns whether the object is frozen or not.

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Returns whether or not this object is managed by Realm.

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Returns true if this object is still valid to use, i.e. the Realm is open and the underlying object has not been deleted. Unmanaged objects are always valid.

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Returns the Realm version of this object. This version number is tied to the transaction the object was read from.