
38 results

Lovisa Berggren Is Much More Than "Just an Intern"

Lovisa Berggren is a student at Umea University in Sweden and a software engineering intern based in MongoDB’s Dublin office who is thoroughly enjoying the hands-on experience her internship on the Cloud API Experience Team has to offer. Read on for more about the projects Lovisa is working on, the culture at MongoDB, and why she’s truly happy about her decision to intern at MongoDB. Sammy Attia: Thanks for taking the time to chat with me today! I know you’re a software engineering intern on the Cloud API Experience team. Could you tell me more about the team? Lovisa Berggren: My team is responsible for the MongoDB Atlas Administration API with projects like API Authentication, API rate limiting, and API versioning. We are involved in the release and platform support for Ops Manager, which is specifically the focus of my work this summer. What projects have you been working on? This summer I am working on a release tool. Currently this tool has its own repository and uses a Makefile for building, testing, and execution. My task is to move the code to a monorepo, restructure it, and change the build tool from Make to Bazel, which is used in the monorepo. That sounds awesome! Which part are you finding the most interesting? The most interesting part has been all the things you don't necessarily learn at university. Usually when you do assignments for a course, you create your program, see that it runs as expected, and then you forget about it. Here at MongoDB, I have learned about working with legacy code, maintaining code, releasing, and testing. Seeing how these things work in a big company is really interesting and new to me, and so important. I’m glad to hear you are gaining real world experience. I would love to hear why you decided to join MongoDB in the first place. Can you share more about your decision-making process? I had heard about MongoDB and I had also used it myself in coding projects, so I thought it would be really cool to work here. Also, after applying I had a great interview process. I was able to meet with many different people at the company, and all of them were really kind. During the interview process, I also learned more about the culture at MongoDB, which made it clear that I wanted to intern here. And has the culture lived up to your expectations? The culture is amazing. Everybody here is very kind, welcoming, and helpful. I don't feel as though I'm “just an intern.” I am truly a part of the team and the company. I have had the chance to get to know a lot of people, both in my team but also from other teams, which is great. Hear from two-time intern Erin McNulty about how MongoDB’s engineering culture has enabled her to grow . It’s probably hard to narrow it down, but what would you say has been your favorite part of the internship experience? The best part is the people and the culture, and how they make me feel on a day-to-day basis. I am always excited to go to work, and I feel appreciated here, which is something I think is very important. Having a great intern experience is not only about having a fun and interesting project to work on, but also working in a great environment with people who support you and share your values. I love that! Thank you for being here this summer, and for your contributions to MongoDB. It's been amazing to be able to participate in a great intern program. As a Swede from a relatively small town, it's also cool to get the opportunity to experience Dublin during the summer. Interested in opportunities for college students at MongoDB? Find out more .

August 30, 2022

How Trust and Collaboration Are Helping Intern Erin McNulty Take On New Challenges

Erin McNulty, a rising senior at Columbia University, is working as a software engineering intern in MongoDB’s New York City office. After interning at MongoDB during the summer of 2021, Erin returned this year to take on a new challenge on a new team — and a new programming language. Read on for more about Erin’s experience and how MongoDB’s engineering culture has enabled her to grow. Sammy Attia: Welcome back, Erin! I know this is your second summer internship at MongoDB. Can you share a bit about why you decided to join MongoDB in the first place and why you decided to come back? MongoDB intern Erin McNulty Erin McNulty: The first time I chose MongoDB, it was because throughout my interview process, I could tell that MongoDB really valued interns’ growth, so I felt like spending my summer here would be a really good investment. I knew that at MongoDB, I would have a meaningful project that truly helped me grow and would make an impact at the company. I also really enjoy the culture of the New York City technology scene, so I was really excited to receive an offer from a company that was created and headquartered in NYC. When I was deciding to come back to MongoDB the second time, I really prioritized working at a place that would let me explore different types of software engineering because I wanted to make the switch from web programming to systems programming. I knew that MongoDB’s supportive, learning-oriented environment would allow me to take that risk of trying something new. In addition, I have become really interested in database technology and took a few classes during my junior year, so I wanted to put that knowledge to use on the server team. It’s great to hear that you are able to explore different types of programming as a MongoDB intern. What does the service architecture team do? My team is responsible for building the “glue” that holds different components of the MongoDB server together. We build internal APIs that simplify intra- and inter-process communication within MongoDB deployments. In practice, this looks like building a lot of libraries that make networking, asynchronous programming, and remote command execution simple for replication, sharding, and other server teams to use. I have really enjoyed working on this team, because our job is basically to write clean, reusable code that makes other developers’ lives easier. I find it really satisfying to refactor messy, one-off pieces of code to use our libraries instead. Considering that you’re a two-time intern, what is your favorite part about MongoDB’s internship program? Interns are given a lot of trust at MongoDB, which allows us to not only learn technical skills, but also develop our working styles and take risks during the internship. As the summer has progressed, I have been given more and more trust in terms of designing my own solutions to issues without obvious solutions. Even if I make a decision that might not be the best way to solve the problem, I am given the space to discover and correct that on my own. Because of this, I feel like the MongoDB internship program has helped me grow as an engineer who is responsible for design and execution, not just as somebody who writes code that I am told to write. In addition, the internship has allowed me to explore different aspects of MongoDB through reading documentation from other teams. I’ve also had the opportunity to have coffee chats with other engineers and look through the codebase overall. This makes me feel like I am really valued as a growing engineer, rather than just somebody who is around to do some extra work for the summer. It sounds as though you’re really enjoying our strong engineering culture and are taking advantage of the resources we provide to interns at MongoDB. Could you speak a little more about the overall culture? The first thing that comes to mind when thinking about MongoDB’s culture is collaboration. Curiosity and intellectual humility are cornerstones of our engineering culture, and that leads to really productive engineering. When discussing technical decisions within my team, it is very common to hear, “I thought X, but after listening to you walk through your thinking, I am leaning toward Y.” The culture makes it feel like everyone can contribute, and that every idea is worth hearing because it will be given a fair shot. I also really like the intellectual curiosity of MongoDB engineers. It seems that everyone has a little side interest in another team’s work, and you frequently hear engineers ask each other questions about the inner workings of their projects. It seems that you've really embraced one of our most important company values, "build together." Do you have any advice for students who might be considering interning at MongoDB? I would encourage students considering a MongoDB internship to try new things when choosing their teams for the summer. The first summer I was here, I wanted to stick with what I knew by working on a team that used React and Java. This summer, I had to learn an entirely new language, C++, in order to work on my team, and I think that I have grown so much through this experience of trying something new in my internship. Interested in opportunities for college students at MongoDB? Find out more .

August 17, 2022

Intern Series: Making an Impact Across Two Summers - Meet Talía Ayala-Feliciangeli

Talía Ayala-Feliciangeli is a rising senior at Georgia Tech who has spent this summer working remotely as a Product Design Intern. As a returning intern with two summers of remote work on the same team under her belt, Talía is leaving her internship with a unique set of experiences and lessons about #LifeatMongoDB. From the transparency about future visa sponsorship to one-on-one professional development that she’s received, Talía has spent these two summers impressed with the supportiveness of MongoDB’s program and her peers. In this interview, you’ll hear more about what’s made MongoDB a lasting fit. Alex Wilson: Hey Talía! It’s so good to meet you! I want to start this final interview of the Intern Series with one of the questions that I’ve been asking everyone: what brought you to MongoDB? Talía Ayala-Feliciangeli: During my first round of interviews with MongoDB, my recruiter asked me how I would feel about living in New York long term. I remember being super shocked that a recruiter was being so open about what an internship could turn into, especially when she started describing how MongoDB approaches the sponsorship process with employees who are from outside of the U.S. As an international student, it can be challenging to navigate the process of applying to jobs or internships. Unfortunately, not all companies are open to hiring individuals who may require sponsorship at any point in the future. The call with my recruiter was the first time I experienced a company being so open and honest regarding the immigration logistics that international students have to constantly think about, and it made me realize how supportive of a company MongoDB is. Both MongoDB and the specific position I had applied for seemed super interesting, but ultimately what made me decide to intern at MongoDB was the professional support, encouragement, and excitement I felt from the recruiter, the researchers I spoke to, and everyone else I had the chance to meet throughout the interview process! AW: Awesome! It’s so meaningful to see these experiences of openness and encouragement echoed so strongly. What sort of work have you been doing? TA: I work in the UX research team, which is a part of the larger Product Design team at MongoDB. The research team is currently growing, and it's exciting to get to learn different approaches to research through conversations with the new team members! My favorite project so far has been the Atlas Billing Alerts project I'm currently working on. It’s my favorite because due to the nature of the project I’ve gotten the chance to understand how different teams across MongoDB collaborate to build the billing experience, and the participants I’ve spoken to have had very different needs than the user groups I’ve worked with in the past. The stakeholders for the project are closely involved and have provided me with valuable feedback at every step of the project,which has helped me hone my approach to research and have a better understanding of how to translate stakeholder needs into research goals! Plus, I got to meet people throughout different teams at MongoDB which I hadn’t spoken to previously,such as Technical Account Managers and Cloud Support Associates. AW: I think it’s so interesting that besides being a return intern, you’ve also been able to return to the same team. How was your professional experience different the second time around? TA: As a return intern, I had the unique experience of starting the summer already understanding how different teams and processes work at MongoDB. I felt that this knowledge translated into me feeling more confident about my work: onboarding was much quicker, I had context for the projects I was working on, and it was much easier for me to connect with stakeholders for my projects. At times, I felt like a full-time researcher rather than an intern! Plus, having the same mentor both summers meant I got to meet her for coffee and hang out before the internship started this summer,which meant a lot. AW: That’s so great. Having worked remotely both summers, I was wondering if you could speak to the extent that your team supported you virtually? TA: At the start of the summer, my mentor and I had conversations about what I find harder to accomplish when working remotely. After identifying what those things were, we brainstormed ideas of how I could address them and how my mentor could support me with them. For example, I have a harder time staying focused when I’m working remotely from my apartment. My mentor and I decided I would create a detailed timeline breaking down what I needed to do for each of my projects, and we scheduled regular check-ins twice a week so I could share my progress and get her feedback. In general, my team provided a lot of support within this remote work model by creating spaces for me to consistently ask for feedback on my projects or just chat about our approaches to research. In the past I was almost shy about asking for feedback, but my team setting aside time for us to chat about these things despite being remote really helped me grow! AW: That’s definitely an enormous upside of such a collaborative company culture! Have you found that culture to be a positive fit? TA: The culture at MongoDB is incredibly supportive, encouraging, and collaborative. My background is in psychology and research, and I was concerned with how a lack of a technical background could impact my work at MongoDB. Everyone I’ve reached out to has been super friendly and more than happy to share their knowledge (or just have a coffee)! I’ve also really appreciated how encouraging my team members are when it comes to me learning and exploring different interests, be it a side project with another intern, implementing new tools for research, or chatting about the research goals I have. AW: As someone with a political science background, I can definitely understand the fear of coming into the tech industry without a very technical background, so it’s great to hear that you’ve also had such a positive experience tackling that learning curve—thank you for your willingness to share. Finally, I’d love to hear what your favorite thing about MongoDB has been! TA: My favorite part is that I get to have ownership over my work: while my mentor has provided me with constant guidance and support, I’ve always felt that I am given the freedom and trust to decide how to go about my work, from structuring actionable research plans to conducting user studies. While it was intimidating at first, it has been an incredible learning opportunity to understand how to conduct UX research in an industry context! Interested in interning at MongoDB? Our 2021/2022 Software Engineering Summer Internship for the US is now live and accepting applications for students

August 30, 2021

Intern Series: Mentorship Opportunities Galore - Meet Elena Chen

Elena Chen is a rising senior at the University of California, Berkeley who is working as a Software Engineering Intern in our New York City office. After learning about MongoDB from her friends, she decided to spend her summer here so she could complete socially impactful work while benefiting from a renowned professional development program. Through the summer, she’s found incredible support from her mentor, enjoyed community in Underrepresented Genders in Tech (UGT), and unwound with an awesome group of peers. Keep reading to hear about what’s made Elena’s time at MongoDB so special. Alex Wilson: Hey Elena! Thanks for taking the time to tell us about your time here at MongoDB. First, can you tell me a little bit about how you got here? Elena Chen: Well, some of my friends interned at MongoDB before and they all told me that they had such a great time here! But one of the biggest reasons I decided to intern at MongoDB was that I had the best recruiting experience here. I felt supported, respected, and valued by the Campus team and the interviewers throughout the entire process. I thought that must be what it is like to work at MongoDB and I wasn't wrong! Moreover, I always wanted to work for a company that is contributing positively to society. Knowing that I will be making software that helps developers around the world build valuable applications and services, I decided to intern at MongoDB. Lastly, I chose MongoDB because it has one of the most well-organized internship programs in the industry. Besides providing mentorships and the resources for interns to succeed on their technical projects, the program also consists of intern social events, speaker series, and engineering roundtables. I wanted to immerse myself in all of these events so that I could make the most out of my internship and have a fun and memorable summer! AW: Amazing! Has your work ended up being this positive? And what’s the best project you’ve worked on? EC: My favorite project would be my main project for this summer! I am building Evergreen's new Waterfall page, also known as the Project Health page. It is the page where MongoDB engineers can view status summaries on the tasks run for their projects. The new design of the page is going to enhance MongoDB engineers' user experience on Evergreen. I love my project because it will be used by MongoDB engineers and have a meaningful impact even after my internship ends. Additionally, working on this project has been an enjoyable and rewarding experience. Every day I look forward to building the next part of the page, and seeing everything coming together has been one of the greatest feelings and senses of accomplishment I have ever experienced. I feel competent in tackling the next major component and yet challenged to think hard and learn new things. While polishing my React and Redux skills and writing industry-standard code, I have learned to write GraphQL queries, schemas, and resolver functions. I have also learned to create front-end testing using Cypress and Storybook, two technologies I would have never used in a classroom setting. AW: Of course, the 1:1 mentorship is such a huge part of MongoDB’s internship experience. How’s that been for you? EC: Besides answering my questions and helping me resolve technical issues, my mentor has been my biggest support and cheerleader since the beginning. Every day he blocks out an hour on his calendar as "office hour" to answer my questions and code along my side. Every week, he asks me how he can better support me and make my internship a great experience. He celebrates my accomplishment every time I complete a task, and he guides me through the challenge every time I am blocked. One thing my mentor has helped me with is boosting my confidence. Having never worked at a big company before, I was afraid at the beginning that I did not have the experience or skill to do well at my job. Nevertheless, my mentor reassured me and gave me a positive outlook on the project. He always tells me that he believes I will be able to finish my project by the end of my internship, and his faith in me has been one of the biggest drivers that motivates me to work hard every day. AW: I heard you’re also part of MongoDB’s affinity group Underrepresented Genders in Tech (UGT)—have you also found support there? EC: When I joined UGT I was paired with a UGT mentor. To me, my mentor has been a great source of support, help, and fun this summer. We met every two weeks where she checked in on me to make sure my internship was going great and I could ask her any questions. Sometimes we ate together over Zoom, others we talked passionately about Euro 2020 soccer games. From my mentor, I was able to learn a lot more about MongoDB and things outside my own team, and I received a lot of help with my final intern presentation. Just knowing that I have my UGT mentor to go to if I ever get stuck has been a great comfort to me. UGT has also allowed me to learn about career development through its career panels. I really valued these opportunities because it was about something I could not have learned in school. One thing I loved about the event was that I was able to hear from mentors not just from my own field, software engineering, but also from product design and managerial roles. Because everyone came from different backgrounds and had different experiences, I was able to relate to each mentor on different points and apply their advice to my own life and career. Some of the mentors were once interns, and some were in positions where the mentees would want to be in three years, so it was amazing to talk to them and learn about how we could get to our next goal. What I have learned from the two panels has been eye-opening to me and will set me up for a successful career. I am so happy that I joined UGT this summer because it has provided me with a community of mentors whom I could reach out to for help and advice. I actually just coffee-chatted a UGT mentor this morning. I was amazed by her experience and wisdom at the UGT career panel, so I reached out to her, and she was glad to set up a short talk with me. In my opinion, what I learned in my thirty minutes with Samy would have taken me at least a year to figure out on my own. She gave me a fresh perspective on going to graduate school and working in the industry, and I left the meeting with all my questions answered and a sense of clarity. AW: Before we go, can you tell some of our prospective interns about what you’ve learned about the company this summer? EC: One thing I have learned through my interviews and the internship is that everyone at MongoDB genuinely wants me to succeed! During the recruiting process, my recruiter sent me a lot of resources to help me prepare for the interviews and learn more about the company. I still remember I thought I did so poorly on my first interview that I emailed the recruiter afterward to apologize for my performance. But she quickly reassured me, and it turned out that I was just the worst critic of myself. During the interviews, I felt as if I was coding alongside the interviewers like coworkers. They pushed me to find the best solution to the problem and guided me when I was having trouble finding the bug. I really enjoyed meeting the recruiter and the interviewers during the process, and I could not wait to work with these people one day. After starting my internship at MongoDB this summer, I realized I made the right decision. My project mentor, my teammates, my campus program manager, and everyone else I have met here have been nothing but supportive and helpful. Since day one I feel I have been provided the resources and support to succeed in my role. My project mentor and campus program manager also meet with me often to make sure that I am on the right track with the project and discuss how they can better support me. My teammates also help answer my questions daily and make me feel welcome in all of the team events so that I could have a successful and fun internship. Whether you are just starting the recruiting process or about to embark on your journey at MongoDB, know that you will be supported by a group of people who want to see and help you succeed in your role and in life! Interested in interning at MongoDB? Our 2021/2022 Software Engineering Summer Internship for the US is now live and accepting applications for students

August 25, 2021

Intern Series: Self-taught Engineer Meets Atlas Core - Meet Ojima Abraham

Ojima Abraham is a rising junior at Franklin & Marshall College who is working as a Software Engineering Intern at our New York City office. A self-taught developer, Ojima brings a unique perspective to his work on the Atlas Core team, where he’s been grateful to find meaningful support, consequential work, and lasting friendships. In this interview, you’ll hear about the people and culture that have made this program a perfect fit. Alex Wilson: Hey Ojima! Nice to meet you. I heard that you’re a self-taught engineer, which sounds so impressive. Can you tell me more about that? Ojima Abraham: The process was both exciting and daunting; since I had no personal computer at that time, I had to use my phone to learn and practice coding, but it was exciting because I was fascinated by the idea of giving the computer some instructions and seeing the computer execute those instructions. Later on, I was able to ask my friends to use their computers for practice while I taught them how to write basic HTML and CSS code in return. AW: Wow—that’s fantastic! What ended up bringing you to MongoDB? OA: I was just looking up summer internships and found MongoDB as one of the options. But I decided to intern at MongoDB because of my interview experience. One of the things that was emphasized the most during the interviews was how interns get to do work that makes it to production which I thought was very exciting; I didn't want to spend my Summer working on some "intern project" that was going to be thrown away at the end of the summer. I also really liked how supportive and positive all my interviewers and recruiters were. AW: Absolutely. I’ve got to agree there, the Campus Recruiting team has some awesome people. What team have you been working with this summer? OA: I am currently interning on the Atlas Core (Atlas 1, 2, 3) team. MongoDB Atlas is a database-as-a-service that enables you to build applications and scale faster. Atlas Core 1 has really enabled me to work on very interesting, challenging, and useful projects and that has been one of the highlights of my internship experience. In the simplest way possible: I am currently working on a new feature that will allow users to add a new collection type that would automatically organize itself in buckets, making it easy to be queried. This project has really challenged me to get comfortable with being uncomfortable. I've been able to push myself to learn more about Online Archive and the components of our project. AW: What’s the most interesting thing you’ve learned this summer? OA: Normally, I would want to list one thing that's related to developing my technical skills, but I feel like the most interesting thing I've learned this summer is how the different roles in a tech company work on a technical project from inception to production. I've been able to learn the roles that Product Managers, Engineers, Project Managers, Technical writers, and others play into making a product successful; I've been able to learn about the different areas of agreement and compromise and how strong communication is important among these different roles in a tech company. AW: Have you gotten support along the way? OA: My mentors have been the most supportive people I know! I've learned so much from them, gained so much support from them and feel like I have been able to make lifelong friends with my mentors. They are always available to answer any of my questions, have been very patient while helping me learn the things that I don't know, they have given me ownership of my work and have made sure I have never felt lost in this internship! The other interns on my team have been so supportive, providing me with great feedback and support. I genuinely feel like it was the perfect fit! AW: I’m so glad! More broadly speaking, would you say this supportiveness is a central part of MongoDB’s culture? OA: I would describe the culture here at MongoDB as supportive, positive, uplifting, inclusive, and caring. Everyone is willing to help you, answer your questions, push you to become your best self while making you appreciate your own individual strengths and celebrate the diversity of thought and experience that everyone brings to the company. AW: And have your self-taught roots influenced your experience here at all? OA: ​​I feel like because of the initial challenge I faced while learning to code, it removed the fear of stepping into unfamiliar territory at MongoDB. I'm not afraid to pick up challenging and unfamiliar tasks/tickets because my mindset is always "I'll figure it out somehow, just like I figured it out when I first started learning to code." AW: That’s a fantastic mindset. Thanks so much for taking the time to share your experience, Ojima. I just have one final question: what’s your favorite part about being part of the MongoDB community? OA: This might sound cliché, but hands-down the people. It's just a positive environment where I have found my own people and have never felt out-of-place at all. Everyone seems happy to be here and that infectious happiness is spread around everyday. Interested in interning at MongoDB? Our 2021/2022 Software Engineering Summer Internship for the US is now live and accepting applications for students

August 18, 2021

Intern Series: Making Remote Work Meaningful (and Fun!) - Meet Sophia Li

Sophia Li is a rising senior at the University of Waterloo who is currently working remotely as a Software Engineering Intern. This summer, she has been a part of the DevHub Platform Team, where she’s working to build out MongoDB’s growing Developer Hub. Despite working remotely from Canada, she’s been excited to get involved in hands-on work and find meaningful support from her professional community. In this interview, you’ll get to hear more about how Sophia has made her remote internship experience one to remember. Alex Wilson: Hey Sophia, it’s so good to see you again, since we last spoke at the intern learning and development event—I’m excited to hear about how your summer’s been! First though, can you tell me a little bit about what brought you to MongoDB in the first place? Sophia Li: I decided to intern at MongoDB for many reasons. First, I loved that there was a wide range of teams for me to choose from. From Core Server to Education, I think there is truly something for everyone. I also loved the flexibility of the type of work I was able to do. I was able to choose between frontend, backend, and full-stack. Many engineering teams work with tools and technologies that I’ve never used before, so I was initially concerned that this would make me a weaker candidate, but that was not the case. During my interviews, I learned that teams are very open to giving interns the chance to work with new tech and are willing to teach it to them. Overall, speaking with my interviewers gave me a great sense of the company culture. MongoDB felt like a company where I could learn, grow, and thrive. AW: That’s so great to hear! I definitely agree with your take on the company culture. What team did you end up choosing? SL: I am interning on the DevHub Platform team! We work on building the Developer Hub which houses code, content, tutorials, and more to support developers that use MongoDB. It’s a relatively new team that consists of me, two full-time engineers, a product manager, and a product designer. AW: And what work have you been doing with them? SL: I am spending this summer working on a new portion of the DevHub site. Specifically, I am working on a new page that features information about MongoDB’s Community Champions program and features our current Community Champions. MongoDB Community Champions is a program initiative led by the Community Team. This program aims to strengthen our relationship with external MongoDB advocates in the developer community. The landing page is used to educate developers about this program and its eligibility. Aside from building the landing page, I am working on an application form that will allow people to apply to the program. I will also be creating a bio page for each Community Champion! Much of this work involves creating the UI and managing data. I recently created a new Community Champions API with Strapi (our CMS), and used GraphQL to query the API from the frontend. I’ve been able to work with Strapi and MongoDB on the backend, and Gatsby and React on the frontend. A cool challenge I found was implementing responsive design. This was important in order to provide a great user experience on all types of devices. This is a very fun project for me, and I love being able to touch both the backend and frontend. I have learned tons since I’ve started this! AW: Nice! That’s such meaningful work. I’m sure that finding a supportive team is especially important during your time working remotely—how has that been? SL: I think my team and mentor have done a fantastic job of setting me up for success. They have been a great help and provided me with lots of support from day one. They are so resourceful and knowledgeable, and I have been able to learn so much from them! Being pretty new to web development, the project I was given felt daunting at first. I felt like I had to learn from scratch, but my mentor made it really easy for me to do this through his guidance (shoutout to Jordan!). My mentor took the time to help me ramp up by scheduling multiple sessions to teach me certain topics, give me walkthroughs, or pair program. We have weekly 1:1s where I get to express what’s on my mind and communicate my goals. Despite working remotely, I was always able to get the help I needed. My mentor always made time to answer my questions and explain things thoroughly to help me develop a better understanding of what I was learning. I have also received valuable feedback from my mentor through code reviews which has helped me become a better engineer. AW: I’m so impressed that you’ve found this much value in your remote experience. Is there anything that you’ve learned about yourself in the process? SL: I’ve learned that remote working can make it more difficult to set boundaries because there is no physical separation between work and your personal life. As a result, I make a conscious effort to take regular breaks. Luckily, I’m always encouraged by my peers to take breaks at work. The 1:1 check-ins I have with my mentor and campus program manager are a great time for us to discuss how I’m doing and how they can support me better, and they make sure I'm never overwhelmed with work. I use my breaks to get away from my desk to eat, recharge, and spend some time in my backyard. I’ve also learned that remote working requires you to put more effort into communicating with others in order to avoid feeling isolated. But my mentor is very responsive and has made remote communication between us easy. Whenever I need help, I will hop on a call or send a Slack message to them. My team also has weekly “work periods” where we all hop on a call and do our work together which kind of mimics an office environment where we’re all at our desks. In terms of growth opportunities, I feel like working remotely has given me a higher level of independence and autonomy. I’ve been able to enhance my time management skills as I have to hold myself more accountable to complete tasks, and of course, having a fun project to do that genuinely excites me also helps. I was assigned a really interesting project which motivates me to come to work everyday! AW: Clearly, you’ve had some great professional experiences, but to close, I would love to know: have you been having fun? SL: The campus recruiting team has put on some awesome virtual intern events this summer including a Spain trivia game, escape room, and chocolate-making class! These events were super fun to attend, and I have been able to meet other interns through them as well! I am also a part of the Underrepresented Genders in Tech affinity group, and we recently had a game night which offered a really great opportunity to connect with other members of the group. In addition, I occasionally do virtual game nights and catch-ups with a group of remote interns. These social events have definitely helped make working remotely a lot less isolating and lonely. I have also been doing coffee chats with other interns and full-timers which has been a great way to make connections and get to know people on a deeper level! Interested in interning at MongoDB? Our 2021/2022 Software Engineering Summer Internship for the US is now live and accepting applications for students

August 12, 2021

Intern Series: Finding Community While Owning Production - Meet Carolina Obregon

Carolina Obregon is a rising senior at Tecnológico de Monterrey in Mexico who is interning in our New York City office. She’s spent the summer with the DevRel Platform/Education team building a quiz widget for the guides found on docs.MongoDB.com. Carolina has been excited to gain exposure to start-to-finish software development cycles, and in this interview, you’ll get to hear how she has found meaningful support both in her professional circle and from her membership in MongoDB’s Underrepresented Genders in Tech (UGT) Affinity Group. Alex Wilson: Hey Caro, it’s so good to see you! Can you tell me more about how you found out about MongoDB’s internship program? Carolina Obregon: I first applied to MongoDB's Women in Computer Science Summit all the way back in 2019 and while I wasn't accepted to attend that year, I kept receiving emails from MongoDB about blogs and future openings! When the next recruiting season came, I remembered MongoDB's openings and decided to take the chance and apply to the internship program! I was really happy to even get the first interview and even happier when I received the offer. AW: Why did you choose MongoDB for your internship? CO: As a software engineer, it's very important to me to be in a company that has an engineering centric culture so that I'm working with exciting technological challenges, a modern stack, and teammates that I can learn a lot from. Additionally, I really wanted to be part of a company that really cares about their employees, diversity, and company culture, and throughout the recruiting process and talking with past interns and current employees, I found that MongoDB really checked all the boxes I was looking for. AW: That’s great! What has your day-to-day looked like since you’ve been here? CO: The team I work on is part of the greater Developer Relation Platform/Education organization, which is key for all our developers to learn MongoDB from basics to advanced topics required to run MongoDB in production systems. My team specifically is responsible for developing the systems which run MongoDB documentation's website (docs.mongodb.com). Documentation is crucial for MongoDB since the core of the product is essentially targeted at developers. My intern project is creating a quiz widget that is going to be displayed throughout the docs.mongodb.com guides and will ask our users key multiple choice questions about the content that they’re currently reading on. It's exciting that I've gotten to work on this project from start to finish and really experience how the software development cycle works in the industry, from working with the product manager to the product designer and receiving support from the other engineers on my team to make this all happen. AW: Awesome! Anything particularly interesting that you’ve learned? CO: I've gotten to work on a lot with Javascript's React. I had done previous personal projects using this framework, but it has been very interesting getting to work on it in a real life production environment and receiving guidance and feedback from my teammates on how to keep improving my skills. AW: It must be so gratifying to do work with such tangible results and have clear growth opportunities—and that sounds fascinating. Has your team given you much support in this work? CO: They were really good at ramping me up and making me feel comfortable with the work and tech stack from the beginning. Giving me small tasks to start off and after I was comfortable enough, assigning me my own project to develop on my own. The whole team has been super attentive and helpful throughout the whole summer, and making sure that I'm constantly challenged, learning, and getting help in my work! AW: Fantastic! Is there anywhere else you’ve been finding support? CO: Getting the chance to be part of UGT (Underrepresented Genders in Tech) was a very fulfilling and meaningful experience. The Campus Team assigned a UGT mentor for each of us and prepared many events throughout the summer that ranged from talking about our personal experiences to fun game nights. I really enjoyed getting to know other interns and full timers who are also part of the affinity group. In the short time that I spent here, I’ve found MongoDB to be very supportive of underrepresented genders. Taking in the fact that women make up 46% of the intern class, I always felt that I was in a very comfortable and open work environment everytime I came to the office. AW: It’s been so nice to hear that you’ve had such a meaningful summer. There’s one last thing I’d love to hear: you talked about the company culture as part of the reason why you came to MongoDB—what have you found out about the culture since you’ve been here? CO: One of MongoDB's core values is Build Together, and I think that the company culture really stems from that. It is a very collaborative, friendly work environment where your teammates and co-workers legitimately care about your wellbeing both personally and professionally. Interested in interning at MongoDB? Our 2021/2022 Software Engineering Summer Internship for the US is now live and accepting applications for students

August 6, 2021

Intern Series: From MongoDB User to Return Intern - Meet Andy Mina

Andy Mina is a rising senior at the City University of New York. Last summer, Andy interned with us during the COVID-19 pandemic and impressed us enough to receive a return intern offer. He is currently working on the Node.js Driver Team, where he’s partnering with a fellow intern to revamp the program’s error system. Despite working remotely, Andy has made the most of his experience at MongoDB by engaging in meaningful work and forging lasting connections with his teammates. In this interview, you will hear about everything Andy has taken away from his two summers at MongoDB. Natalie Chwalk: Hey, Andy! I know you've been programming for a long time. Is that how you first learned about MongoDB? Andy Mina: I started programming in high school. I would make websites for school programs, local businesses, and every idea that popped into my head. The size of my projects began to grow, and the need for a database became very clear. MongoDB Atlas was unveiled around that time, and I gave it a shot. Since then, MongoDB has become my best friend for any programming adventure I embark on. While searching for summer internships my sophomore year of college, I wondered if MongoDB had any open positions — and, to my delight, it did. I was excited to give back to the community and product that had helped me so much already. NC: That's awesome! Why did you decide to intern with us? AM: As a programmer who has used MongoDB in my personal projects, I was stoked at the opportunity to contribute to the community. I enjoyed using MongoDB for projects, and I knew I’d enjoy working at MongoDB too. When I interviewed on-site for the final round, the future was clear: I wanted to intern here. I fell in love with the consistently welcoming people, the impact interns can make with their projects, and the company values because they mirrored my own. The office atmosphere and MongoDB’s work-life balance were also really appealing. I interned at MongoDB last summer and fell even more in love with the company, so I knew I had to return this summer. What's your favorite thing you've done at MongoDB? AM: I’m currently working on revamping the error system in the Node.js Driver. Previously, the driver threw only one general-purpose error with a message detailing where things went wrong. Warren, a fellow intern on the team, and I were tasked with coming up with a better error system for the entire driver. I really appreciate the independence the project has given us because the decisions we’re making contribute to the future of the driver. We’ve introduced new errors and we’re still refining everything so developers who use the driver can quickly identify and resolve issues in their code. NC: Wow! I'm so glad to hear you've felt empowered to do such meaningful work. Can you tell me a bit more about your team? AM: I’m interning on the Node.js Driver team, and I love it. The Node.js Driver is the official interface for JavaScript developers to take advantage of MongoDB. I used the Node.js Driver pretty regularly before joining MongoDB, so it’s a full-circle experience to come work on the product I’ve used. My current mentor, Neal, is amazing. He’s the best thing since sliced bread, and he’s one of the best mentors I’ve ever had. Plus, the team is super friendly and extremely passionate about the work they do, so it's a win-win. NC: What is the culture like at MongoDB? AM: In three words: exciting, inspiring, and, most importantly, really fun. It's so good to hear you've had a positive experience here. To close, what is your favorite part about interning at MongoDB? AM: MongoDB really cares about its interns. I’ve never felt like I was doing “intern work” or like I was a fly on the wall during team meetings. One of MongoDB’s core values is, “Make it matter,” and that definitely shines throughout the intern program. My favorite part about working at MongoDB is that interns are just as valued as full-time employees. I’ve been given impactful work that can make change. MongoDB’s summer intern events are also the best! I’ve made some good friends through intern events such as a virtual escape room, arts and crafts, and even a chocolate-making class. Besides the events, the speaker series MongoDB holds throughout the summer is super insightful. Everyone who has spoken so far has shared great career and even life advice. It’s also especially cool to hear that many full-time employees were previously interns! Interested in interning at MongoDB? Our 2021/2022 Software Engineering Summer Internship for the US is now live and accepting applications for students

July 27, 2021

Meet MongoDB's 2021 Sydney Storage Engines Interns

Last December, in the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, the MongoDB Campus Team successfully completed a virtual recruitment season for the first time in the program’s history. An important part of those new recruits were the Sydney Storage Engines Team interns. Our Storage Engines team was created by way of acquisition and contributes to the performance, scalability, and hardware efficiency of MongoDB. We asked a few interns from this cohort about what their summer experience was like: from being onboarded in a virtual environment, to working with their mentors and peers in a hybrid capacity - they even had fun perks like a free subscription to the meditation app, Headspace! Read on to hear more about what they gained from their time with MongoDB. Natalie Chwalk: I'm very excited to learn about your experiences as interns! To begin, can you tell me a bit more about what you are studying, where you attend university, and a fun fact about yourself? My name is Clarisse, I am currently studying Software Engineering at Monash University. I'm a huge foodie who loves singing, playing guitar, reading books, and creative writing. My name is Siddhartha Mahajan (Sid), and my interest in computer programming began at a very early age of 15, which eventually led me to pursue a degree in Computer Science at Western Sydney University. Besides my interest in science, I also enjoy cooking and yoga. Hi, I'm Monica. I’m currently studying Computer Science and Finance at the University of New South Wales. I'm passionate about all things data and technology-related. I also enjoy reading, photography and learning new things! Hello my name is Sean and I'm a Computer Engineering student at the University of New South Wales. I have a passion for technology and enjoy tinkering with electronics in my spare time. I enjoy spending weekends doing various outdoor activities like sailing, hiking and spending time with my dog. Natalie Chwalk: Why did you decide to intern with MongoDB? Clarisse Cheah: Through the interview process, I felt drawn to MongoDB and the people who worked there. Everyone was so passionate, kind, and amazing to talk to. I learnt a lot and it felt like they were teaching me so much even through an interview. I also used MongoDB before in one of my projects at university, and was interested to work for the company behind its great product. Monica Ng: I have always been intrigued by the fields of data and software engineering, and the internship position with the team at MongoDB seemed like it would be a good fit. Whilst interviewing for the role, I also got a sense that the engineers had genuine interest in the product and enjoyed working through the technical challenges they were faced with. I felt that MongoDB would be a great place to gain practical software development experience, collaborate with an awesome team and learn more about highly technical areas such as databases and storage engines. Natalie Chwalk: What was the experience like working semi-remote? Clarisse Cheah: I did almost the entire internship remotely from Melbourne and only went for a visit to the office for the final two weeks. It was amazing how the culture could be felt even through Zoom calls, and how friendly and willing to help everyone on the team was. Sean Watt: Working at MongoDB semi-remotely has been a really great experience. I was initially hoping to be able to go into the office full-time but was prepared to work at home for the required days. Living far away from the office, I realized a mix of working in the office and working from home was a healthy balance. It saved on long commute times throughout the week but still provided important collaboration and face-to-face time. The team was also well set up for remote work using Slack, Zoom, JIRA and other tools which made working from home just as efficient. Natalie Chwalk: What is your favorite project you have worked on? Sean Watt: My favorite project I’ve worked on has been the column store project. We were first tasked with creating an example program to understand how a developer would use the column store API provided by WiredTiger. This eased us into the project and we were then able to work on adding support for column store, to new features that WiredTiger had recently implemented. Natalie Chwalk: How have your team and mentors helped you as an intern this summer? Clarisse Cheah: I had an amazing mentor - someone who's extremely kind, patient, and intelligent. He was constantly willing and ready to help me out, and never belittled me when I didn't know something, but rather, helped encourage me to better myself through honest feedback. He really cared for me and my personal wellbeing as a person, and we got along really well. I fully enjoyed the summer with him as my mentor. Sean Watt: My team and all the mentors have helped me and the other interns a great deal this summer. In the first few weeks, we had many demonstrations by various team members about the development process and tools used by the team. Our mentors then guided us through our first individual tasks and PRs. We then started work on our project and sought help from many of the team members. Everyone was eager to help and would often jump on a quick zoom call or meeting room with us to explain a concept or help us debug. Natalie Chwalk: What is the most interesting takeaway that you learned during your time at MongoDB? Sid Mahajan: The WiredTiger sessions gave me a theoretical understanding of various components of WiredTiger. All the sessions were extremely interesting, informative and useful. Additionally, I have gained a better understanding of utilizing the code collaboration tools, for example, GitHub and JIRA. Sean Watt: The most interesting thing I’ve learned in the internship has been the architecture of a storage engine. I went into the internship without clear definitions of what a storage engine was and how it differed to other parts of the database stack like the execution layer. At the beginning of the internship one of the engineers took a session each day to introduce us to the architecture of WiredTiger. These were immensely informative and gave us a thorough overview of how the storage engine works. Monica Ng: Learning about how databases and storage engines are built, as well as the underlying architecture of WiredTiger was very interesting for me. This internship was also my first exposure to software engineering in an industry setting, and I learned that the software engineering workflow involves a lot more than just coding. It also entails meetings to discuss various projects and initiatives with engineers, leads, and program and product managers, designing and scoping out new projects, sprint planning, as well as sprint retrospectives to reflect on how we have been progressing. Natalie Chwalk: How would you sum up the culture here at MongoDB? Sid Mahajan: MongoDB has an incredible work culture. The people are highly qualified and are always willing to help, and the work is quite exciting. Clarisse Cheah: The culture here is without a doubt amazing. It's so rare to find a company where everyone is passionate about the product they work on, willing and eager to impart their knowledge, and so genuinely caring towards the people around them. Everyone here makes you feel empowered and appreciated as a part of the team, and it really urges you to learn more and strive for greater heights. Natalie Chwalk: What was your favorite part about interning with MongoDB? Clarisse Cheah: The people I've met here and the things I've learned throughout make tough competition for the top spot. I've learned so much through the people I've met, and both have been nothing short of amazing. I've worked on things that were meaningful and actually added value to the company, so that was very cool. So many great conversations, and so much imparted wisdom and knowledge. I'll never forget it. Monica Ng: My favorite parts about interning at MongoDB are the people, the strong engineering culture and the size/stage that the company is in. The people here are very open and supportive, and genuinely want to help you grow and learn. MongoDB has established strong engineering practices and whilst it is still experiencing high growth, it is still at a size where your contributions can have a meaningful impact. Interested in interning at MongoDB? Our 2021/2022 Software Engineering Summer Internship for Sydney is now live and accepting applications for students with Australian/New Zealand citizenship or Australian Permanent Residency. We have several other open roles on our team and would love for you to transform your career with us!

July 2, 2021

Celebrating 10 Years of Interns: A Look Back at MongoDB's Internship Program Over the Years

>> Announcement: Some features mentioned below will be deprecated on Sep. 30, 2025. Learn more . This summer marks the 10 year anniversary of MongoDB’s internship program. What started as a small experiment with a few interns has grown into a programmatic machine responsible for a third of our engineering hiring. In the past 10 years, we have expanded from New York City to Austin, San Francisco, Dublin, Sydney, Copenhagen, and India. We’ve grown from only engineers, to also hiring Product Managers, Designers, Data Scientists, Marketing roles, and more. In celebration of this historic milestone, we’re taking a look back at how it all started and highlighting an intern from each graduating class along the way. The history of the program is long and winding, but the results are critical to achieve the growth that MongoDB has seen in recent years. The Beginning MongoDB’s internship program began when co-founder Eliot Horowitz, now Executive Vice President of Core Engineering Dan Pasette, now Vice President of Program Management Ian Whalen and the only recruiter on the team at the time, Stacy Ferranti, decided to hire some interns in 2011. When Ian first joined the company, he lent a helping hand to anything and everything, even when it was outside of his core job responsibilities, which led to his involvement in running our first intern program. “The startup life is about doing all of the things,” Ian said. He attended career fairs, helped schedule interviews, and matched interns with mentors. Now, we have an entire Campus Team dedicated to that! Dan Pasette, remembers being active in recruitment as well. Dan drove to universities to give talks and encouraged others to do the same at their own alma maters. “We didn’t have a lot of people dedicated to the program and we experimented with a lot of things along the way,” Dan shared. The beginning days mirrored the life of a startup. Through the years iterations were made, feedback was incorporated, and the program grew not only in size but also in quality. However, two things remained the same through my interviews with our former interns. First, MongoDB always makes sure interns work on interesting challenges. And second, the people at MongoDB genuinely care about each other. Hear from our Former Interns Who Still Work at MongoDB Randolph Tan Intern Class: 2011 University: NYU Current Title & Team: Staff Engineer, Sharding Randolph joined our inaugural intern class and has worked at MongoDB ever since. An engineer from MongoDB came to NYU to give a talk and from there, Randolph got to work on an open source project with the company as a part of a computer science club on campus.. At the end of the semester, he submitted his resume for an internship and got accepted into the program. After his internship, he decided to come back as a full-time employee. “In the beginning, I wasn’t working on an official team, but working on side projects,” Randolph remembered. He worked on a special project with Dan, and then ultimately was adopted into the Sharding team, where he is currently a Staff Engineer today. Back then, Randolph recalls a lack of structure in the program but now says “the structure today gives [an intern] the understanding of what your actual work is going to be and how you interact with the team.” Wisdom Omuya Intern Class: 2012 University: American University of Nigeria & Columbia Current Title & Team: Director of Engineering, Atlas Data Lake Wisdom first came to know MongoDB when Ian attended a career fair at his university. MongoDB ended up being Wisdom’s first and only internship, and clearly it made an impression. After his internship, he joined our New Grad rotation program. At MongoDB, New Grads have the opportunity to rotate on three teams and then choose one of them that is best suited for their skills and interests. Wisdom has remained very close to both the internship and New Grad programs throughout the years. Wisdom attributes many of his successes as now a Director of Engineering to what he learned while mentoring other MongoDB interns. “The experience helped me learn how to support people, especially those coming from a position where they might not have as much confidence in their abilities or the confidence that their skills warrant,” he shared. “Supporting interns, nurturing their talents and helping them with opportunities to thrive is quite fulfilling.” Esha Maharishi Intern Class: 2013 & 2014 University: Columbia Current Title & Team: Director of Engineering, Server Like Randolph and Wisdom, Esha learned about MongoDB when employees visited her school for a career fair. “It sounded like there would be a chance to work on a lot of interesting algorithms,” Esha recalls. She interned twice on the distributed systems team and worked on that team for 5 years after graduation. One of her favorite parts of working at MongoDB was the reading group that was held every other week. “I loved hearing the conversation and understanding more about the field. It was amazing to me that MongoDB had adopted Raft, a replication protocol that had just been published in 2013.” She continued to participate in and lead learning initiatives throughout the years, from hosting a talk on how to find good resources to keeping a shared list of books and papers with engineers’ thoughts on them. She more recently has spent time working on a more research-oriented team, where reading research papers together has been a core part of the work. “It’s still one of the best parts of the week, when we get together and figure out what parts we didn’t understand, what insights we had, and what ideas we can apply to our own work.” Kyle Suarez Intern Class: 2014 University: Rutgers Current Title & Team: Lead Software Engineer, Query Kyle began his journey with MongoDB as an intern on the Drivers Team. His intern project, Monary, was a success and he and his intern partner were invited to speak about it at the PyGotham conference in New York at the end of the summer. After finishing the internship, Kyle went through the New Grad rotation program and ultimately landed on the Query. After three years on the team, he had what he calls an "existential crisis". Unsure of his career path, he decided to leave the company and work in finance. But he couldn't stay away for long -- after a two year hiatus, one of his MongoDB intern buddies called him up and told him about a Lead Engineer opportunity on the Query Team. "I was unsure of whether or not to come back, but I was excited to hear about the company's growth. Most of all, I realized that I missed my friends at MongoDB and the friendly engineering community they had built." Kyle rejoined the company in 2021, leading a team on Query Execution. He says that working as a lead has been very satisfying. "MongoDB definitely builds lots of cool features, but this is a lot more than that. Supporting the team and helping them develop their own careers as engineers brings me a great sense of joy and fulfillment." Emily Pakulski Intern Class: 2015 University: Columbia Current Title & Team: Tech Lead, Cloud Insights & Telemetry Kyle is not the only person to have left MongoDB and come back! Emily, a HackNY fellow, interned with MongoDB in the Summer of 2015 on the Cloud Automation team. She first learned about MongoDB through a hackathon, and then discovered several of her most talented friends and Teaching Assistants joined as New Grads here. While she had a great time during her summer internship, she later attended a startup fair and became very passionate about the startup world. “I really wanted to do something mission oriented,” Emily remembers, “and that led me to go to a little, little startup.” Through this new job, Emily was able to travel to Niger (in West Africa), a highlight of her early 20s. While the experience was amazing, she began to realize that she wasn’t on track to reach her full potential by developing core technical skills. She met up with one of her former TAs who had been at MongoDB since graduating, Jonathan Balsano, and they discussed the kind of technical challenges that might be available back at MongoDB. She matched with the Cloud Backup team. “It was very obvious that MongoDB was the right fit. Everything I didn’t have at the startup, I had on the Backup team. It was interesting, backend work, focused on technical problems and much more team-oriented.” Years later, Emily now is on Jonathan’s team, and has grown to be an engineering manager herself. Marcus Todd Intern Class: 2016 & 2017 University: Carnegie Mellon Current Title & Team: Software Engineer, Realm Marcus learned about MongoDB the way many of our former interns do, recognizing our super comfortable t-shirts on campus. I met Marcus at a career fair in 2015 and he joined us for the Summer of 2016 on the Cloud Core team and the Summer of 2017 on the Drivers team. Marcus enjoyed the breadth of work available here. “Before the internship, I [assumed] everyone was going to be doing database work, but as an intern I learned [MongoDB] is way bigger than I had expected.” The decision for him to join as a New Grad was an easy one, and enjoyed the opportunity to rotate on even more teams within the company. Ultimately, Marcus landed on Stitch, which later became Realm after an acquisition. Realm feels like a startup within a startup, which has been the most exciting part of Marcus’s journey at MongoDB. “It’s funny because it’s only been three years, and we will take a look at the code base and some of it looks like ancient runes. But I remember, I may have written some of those myself.” Marcus also has been a mentor for several interns and New Grads, and enjoys the opportunity to meet unique individuals and help them grow. Tyler Kaye Intern Class: 2017 University: Princeton Current Title & Team: Software Engineer, Realm Tyler interned with Marcus in 2017, and also joined the Realm team after graduation. However, his journey is a bit different. Tyler was originally an intern on the Server team, and was working on a mobile project. “I interned on the Service Architecture team working on the POC for Embedded MongoDB, which is kind of the precursor to MongoDB Sync,” Tyler explained. “I think I get to say that my phone was the first phone to ever run MongoDB.” Tyler completed his rotations and joined the Stitch team in 2018 working on MongoDB Sync, and then a few months later Realm was acquired. Realm was based out of Copenhagen, so there was a concern that “some people in Copenhagen would have to move to New York or some people in New York to move to Copenhagen, and I went to my manager and said, I am happy to move to Copenhagen. My manager approved, and I relocated!” While living in Copenhagen, Tyler was able to travel around Europe and experience a brand new culture, while still working on the product he loved. The pandemic shortened his timeline abroad a bit, but certainly did not slow down the growth of Realm. “Four or five months ago, our team was three people and now we are eight,” Tyler told me. Both Tyler and Realm don’t seem to be slowing down any time soon. Allison Mui Intern Class: 2018 University: Carnegie Mellon Current Title & Team: Product Designer, Documentation Team Allison started her college career as a business major, but after one design course, she found her passion. She changed majors to Human Computer Interaction, and applied to our internship after learning about MongoDB in one of her data analytics classes. Much like Marcus and Tyler, she got to work on Stitch when it was still a new product. “I worked on creating a consumption dashboard for Stitch to show usage and make sure people didn’t get surprising bills,” she recalled. “It was great because I felt like I owned the project and I had my mentor to support me when I needed it.” She even got the final “LGTM” from our CTO, and felt like she was making a huge impact. Allison decided to come back to MongoDB as a Product Design New Grad on the Documentation team. Her biggest lesson? “You’re never too young to voice your thoughts and opinions,” she said. “My experience at MongoDB has been empowering for me to understand that my opinions and thoughts are unique and sets me apart from other people. People want to hear what you have to say.” Nataly Carbonell Intern Class: 2019 University: University of Florida Current Title & Team: Software Engineer, Atlas Nataly joined us as an intern during the summer of 2019. She interned on the Drivers team, and remembered that the internship really brought her out of her shell. “I consider myself introverted,” Nataly shared. “But it was very easy for me to get along with other interns. There was always something going on for us. I got to know MongoDB through the Speaker Series, which was an opportunity for leaders and executives to speak to the interns, and got to know the people through the events.” Nataly went through the New Grad rotation program, which she was grateful for to help her learn the type of work she wanted to do. “The culture throughout all the teams at MongoDB is very similar. Each team has different ways that they prefer to work and it was nice to see the various options. It was a good experience to see how teams interact and see differences in team sizes.” She now works on the Atlas team, and is enjoying the culture of the team immensely. “People on my team are always going out of their way to help one another.” Jenny Peshansky Intern Class: 2020 University: Stony Brook Current Title & Team: New Grad Software Engineer, Currently Rotating Jenny’s internship was like no one else’s on this list, as hers took place during the global COVID-19 pandemic! While she did interview in the office in the Fall of 2019, her internship took place remotely on the Server team. Despite the transition, Jenny had an incredible summer. “I didn’t expect to enjoy it as much as I did,” she admitted. “The internship program did a really good job adapting to the unprecedented situation and was the high point of my pandemic experience. The amount of social events was really great because I was super lonely, like we all were. I was able to get to know people and the program gave me purpose.” Jenny decided to join us as a New Grad and is currently going through her rotations on various engineering teams. When talking about her decision to come back she recalled, “I’ve had my mind set on MongoDB from the beginning. The internship only further reinforced that.” We are excited to see where Jenny ends up! The Future Why has MongoDB made such a big investment in our internships? After 10 years of iterating and improving, a third of our U.S. engineers come from our Campus Programs. On top of that, our interns and New Grads stay with MongoDB to grow their careers. A fifth of our Software Engineering leadership team were former interns and New Grads. “We’ve demonstrated the benefit of having a strong pipeline of young engineers,” Dan Pasette shared. However, it doesn’t come without hard work and dedication from the business. “We’ve had really great leadership in Campus Recruiting through the years. If we didn’t have the commitment to staff it properly, there’s no way we could have been successful. We were very intentional about having a system in place and iterating on that system every year to make improvements.” 10 years of continued success is an incredible accomplishment worth celebrating, but we aren’t done yet! Our program continues to grow to 4 continents and new business units, and we are so excited for what is to come. Interested in an internship at MongoDB? Keep an eye out for our student opportunities !

May 28, 2021

Intern Series: MongoDB’s Women in Computer Science Summit to MongoDB’s Swift

Nellie Spektor is a rising senior Computer Science major at New York University. She spent this summer at MongoDB interning with our Swift Driver team. Nellie will be returning to MongoDB full time in 2021 to join our New Grad cohort. Kate Wright: Thanks for chatting with me Nellie! Let’s start with how you first got exposed to Computer Science and what made you decide to pursue the CS major at NYU. Nellie Spektor: I was lucky enough to go to a high school where everyone had to take Intro to Computer Science their sophomore year and had the option to continue taking Computer Science classes all the way through to graduation. I loved that very first intro class. I had so much fun writing little functions and coding up little games, and I knew that I had found my calling. I kept taking CS classes and being amazed at how powerful coding could be, becoming a CS major was a no-brainer. KW: You’re a part of many groups that aim to create opportunities for women in the field Computer Science. Tell me about those and a little bit about your experience of pursuing Computer Science as a woman. NS: Being a woman in Computer Science has been something I have been thinking about ever since that first CS class I took in high school. I think if it weren't for the fact that the class was mandatory (and therefore had a fairly even gender split), I may have gotten discouraged and quit coding. I came fairly close to this when I got to AP Computer Science which only had 7 girls out of 34 students. The only things that kept me from quitting was that I had the memories of having so much fun in my previous CS classes, and my one female friend in the class. That friend and early exposure were key for me, and many other women never get that, which is why we see such terrible gender ratios in Software Engineering. To try and fix this immense problem and help my fellow women getting into CS, I have been a member and later a leader in two incredible women in tech organizations: Rewriting the Code and NYU Women in Computing. Being in these organizations has given me access to incredible opportunities. If I recall correctly, it was actually through a post in the Women of Rewriting the Code Facebook group that I learned about the MongoDB Women in Computer Science Summit and started on the journey that led me to my amazing internship this summer. KW: Speaking of MongoDB’s Women in Computer Science Summit, I’d love to hear about that experience and how you decided to spend your summer at MongoDB NS: I was selected to attend the very first iteration of the MongoDB Women in Computer Science Summit! The Summit gave me the opportunity to participate in technical development, mock interviews, and a panel discussion with women in engineering at MongoDB all while networking with my peers at colleges across the country. It was such an amazing event that I am so lucky to have been a part of. After going through the recruiting process, the summit was one of the reasons I decided to join MongoDB. Through that event, the interview process, and my connections with former interns, I got to interact with a lot of MongoDBers and could truly see myself working happily with all of them. Even through interning here, I have never had a negative interaction with or even a negative thought about someone at MongoDB, and that is pretty awesome. KW: Glad to hear that! Let’s hear about some of those MongoDBers you worked with. What is your team like? NS: I am interning on the Swift Driver team, which has been awesome! The Drivers team provides libraries and tools that developers all over the world use to interface with MongoDB. The Swift driver is a relatively new team and its very small (only 2 full-time engineers). My team is part of the larger team that encompasses all the Drivers. I have been taking some classes about Programming Languages at school, and while this isn't a major aspect of my work, it is really cool to bring those interests into conversations with my team. It is really interesting to see all of these different drivers achieving the same goals, each in a way that takes advantage of their specific language features. KW: What did you work on with the driver and what was your intern experience like working remotely? NS: My main project this summer was adding Extended JSON support to the pure-Swift BSON Library. All of the drivers need to use a BSON library to interact with MongoDB. Currently, the Swift Driver is using libbson, which is the C BSON Library, and as part of an effort to make the Swift driver be written only in Swift, the team is working on a pure-Swift BSON library. The last piece necessary to actually switch from libbson to the swift BSON library is Extended JSON Support, and that's what I worked on! I added the ability to convert between BSON and Extended JSON. It was a perfect intern project; well scoped, but left room for me to make my own design decisions. I have learned a lot about what it means to work on an open source project and be involved in the ecosystem of a language. That has been really cool and I am excited to dive deeper into this world. Even despite the fact that my internship was entirely remote, I was really able to get a sense of the culture at MongoDB and I love how open, fun, and feedback focused it is! Interested in pursuing a career at MongoDB? We have several open roles on our teams across the globe , and would love for you to build your career with us!

December 15, 2020

Intern Series: From Ecuador, to the University of Toronto, to MongoDB - Meet Jose Cabrera-Ormaza

Jose Cabrera-Ormaza is in the process of completing his final year in computer engineering at the University of Toronto. He spent this summer interning on the MongoDB Realm team. I recently sat down with Jose to discuss his goals as a software engineer and his experience at MongoDB. Kate Wright: Thanks for spending some time with me Jose! I know you discovered programming as an undergrad. Can you tell us a little bit about how you came to pursue a career in software engineering? Jose Cabrera-Ormaza: I decided to study software engineering because I want to challenge and change the world’s perception of countries such as my home country of Ecuador and South America generally in the context of tech. When people speak about South America, they say great things about our food, landscapes, culture, and more, which makes me extremely proud. However, I would love to help the tech industry grow in South America. I admire the Ecuadorian mining industry, and I originally came to the University of Toronto on a scholarship to study mineral engineering. However, in my second term of university, I took my first-ever programming course, which completely changed my perspective and goals. Before taking that course, I had no idea computers could be used to write programs. I didn’t grow up with a personal computer of my own and had no exposure to software engineering. After writing my first few programs (which were terrible, by the way), I saw the potential impact software engineering could have both in my life and in changing economies of nations such as Ecuador. I would personally love to increase the amount of tech exposure students receive in certain regions of South America where students like myself have limited access to technology. I want students in Ecuador to know they can be the engineers behind some of the newest technological breakthroughs and inventions. KW: Wow, that’s a powerful story. Thank you for sharing it. I know you see internships as an opportunity to further develop your software engineering skills, but what made you decide to spend a summer at MongoDB? JCO: To start with, MongoDB University! I’m extremely passionate about education and free access to knowledge. I was excited to join MongoDB because I felt that my values and beliefs align with MongoDB’s commitment to providing a free learning platform. Additionally, I really wanted to join a company that builds and develops cutting-edge technology used by other software engineers. MongoDB is a modern database platform offering a document data model that developers love compared to legacy database technologies that haven’t changed much in 50 years. I wanted to be a part of the database revolution with MongoDB. KW: This summer, you worked on one of those cutting-edge technologies used by other software engineers. Can you share a bit about your team and what you worked on? JCO: I interned on the Realm Cloud Team. Realm is MongoDB’s back end as a service offering. It allows users to focus less on building a back-end architecture on their own, and to focus more on building other aspects of their project. Realm Cloud offered me the chance to work on very interesting projects and to learn a lot. I had the chance to work alongside a fellow intern and my mentor to build a transpiler microservice. The microservice processes and transpiles user-uploaded JavaScript dependencies. On top of the aforementioned, we optimized the performance of this microservice by introducing concurrent processing. We implemented this project both in Node.js and in Go. The project was challenging and felt complete in that it required more than just writing code. Because we built the microservice in two languages, we established unit testing and performance testing, had to analyze and compare our performance results, and had to use critical thinking to draw conclusions on which implementation might fit our needs best. It was incredibly rewarding to have the chance to freely experiment and do much more than just write code. KW: What did you enjoy most about your summer at MongoDB? JCO: Just having had the opportunity to be at MongoDB makes me feel really proud and accomplished. I’ve loved the opportunity to learn from very talented and brilliant people, and I’m talking not only about technical skills, but also in terms of diversity of backgrounds, cultures, and ideas. One of MongoDB’s core values is “Build Together,” and it seems that everyone I met at the company lives and applies that value to everything they do. Everyone here really wants you to grow both personally and professionally. My teammates and mentors were always available to help and share knowledge. Finally, throughout the intern events and the speaker series, I found out that many people in the company in leadership and managerial positions started out as interns a few years ago. That’s a perfect example of how MongoDB fosters and values everyone at any level in the company! KW: Is there anything you’d like to share with future MongoDBers reading this blog? JCO: As someone who is considered part of an underrepresented group in STEM, I came to MongoDB with the mindset that I had to change who I am to fit into the tech industry, but I have found the exact opposite to be true. For those who have felt they don’t belong in STEM or have experienced imposter syndrome, I’d like to tell you to battle those feelings and keep pursuing your goals. Interested in pursuing a career at MongoDB? We have several open roles on our teams across the globe , and would love for you to build your career with us!

December 8, 2020