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$changeStream (aggregation)

On this page

  • Definition
  • Stable API Support
  • Examples

Returns a Change Stream cursor on a collection, a database, or an entire cluster. Must be used as the first stage in an aggregation pipeline.

The $changeStream stage has the following syntax:

$changeStream: {
allChangesForCluster: <boolean>,
fullDocument: <string>,
resumeAfter: <document>
startAfter: <document>
startAtOperationTime: <timestamp>
Optional: Sets whether the change stream should include all changes in the cluster. May only be opened on the admin database.

Optional: Specifies whether change notifications include a copy of the full document when modified by update operations.

  • default: Change notifications do not include the full document for update operations.

  • updateLookup: Change notifications includes a copy of the document modified by the change. This document is the current majority-committed document or null if it no longer exists.

In the case of partial updates, the change notification also provides a description of the change.


Optional. Specifies a resume token as the logical starting point for the change stream. Cannot be used to resume the change stream after an invalidate event.

resumeAfter is mutually exclusive with startAfter and startAtOperationTime.


Optional. Specifies a resume token as the logical starting point for the change stream. Unlike resumeAfter, startAfter can resume notifications after an invalidate event by creating a new change stream.

startAfter is mutually exclusive with resumeAfter and startAtOperationTime.

Specifies a time as the logical starting point for the change stream. Cannot be used with resumeAfter or startAfter fields.

Change streams are included in Stable API V1.

To create a change stream cursor using the aggregation stage, run the aggregate command.

var cur = db.names.aggregate( [
{ $changeStream: {} }
] )

To open the cursor, run cur.

When the change stream detects a change, the next() method returns a change event notification. For example, after running, MongoDB returns a document similar to the following:

"_id": {
_data: "8262E2EE54000000022B022C0100296E5A100448E5E3DD01364019AE8FE8C6859527E046645F6964006462E2EE54C8756C0D5CF6F0720004"
"operationType": "insert",
"clusterTime": Timestamp({ t: 1659039316, i: 2 }),
"fullDocument": {
"_id": ObjectId("62e2ee54c8756c0d5cf6f072"),
"name": "Walker Percy"
"ns": {
"db": "test",
"coll": "names"
"documentKey": { _id: ObjectId("62e2ee54c8756c0d5cf6f072") }

For more information on change stream notifications, see Change Events.



