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Security Options & Support Matrices
Describes Ops Manager security features.
Firewall Configuration
Describes the ports that Ops Manager components use.
Manage Ops Manager Ports
Describes how to change the default ports used by Ops Manager on Windows and Unix-based systems.
Encrypt User Credentials
Describes how to encrypt user credentials to backing databases.
SSL Connections to Ops Manager
Run Ops Manager over HTTPS and require users to have a valid certificate to connect to the Ops Manager web interface.
SSL Connections with Backing Instances
Configure SSL connections to the backing MongoDB processes that host the databases that support Ops Manager.
SSL Connections with MongoDB Deployments
Enable SSL for connections to your MongoDB deployments.
LDAP for Ops Manager Users
Configure Ops Manager to use LDAP to store user data and permissions.
Access Control for MongoDB Deployments
Configure the Authentication Mechanisms used by your Ops Manager project for communication between the Ops Manager agents and your deployments.
System-wide Two-Factor Authentication
Configure two-factor authentication.
Encrypted Backup Snapshots
Configure Ops Manager to encrypt snapshots when stored in persistent storage.
Configure and Deploy Auditing
Configure Ops Manager to audit various events on mongod and mongos instances.