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Create a User API Key


Personal API keys are deprecated, use Programmatic API Keys instead.

Base URL: https://{OPSMANAGER-HOST}:{PORT}/api/public/v1.0

This endpoint retrieves the API keys for a specific Ops Manager user. You must be one of the following users to successfully call this endpoint:

  • The Ops Manager user specified in the digest authentication
  • The Ops Manager user with the GLOBAL_OWNER role


You must have access to an a public API key generated from the GUI by your administrator before you can successfully user this endpoint. See Generate Personal API Keys for instructions.


POST /users/{USER-ID}/keys

Request Parameters

Request Path Parameters

Path Element Required/Optional Description
USER-ID Required. The unique identifier of the Ops Manager user for whom you want to create an API key. Use the /users/byName/{USER-NAME} endpoint to retrieve your Ops Manager user ID. Specify the value of the id field in the response body to that endpoint.

Request Query Parameters

This endpoint supports the following optional request query parameters:

This endpoint may use any of the HTTP request query parameters available to all Ops Manager API resources. These are all optional.

Name Type Description Default
pretty boolean Indicates whether the response body should be in a prettyprint format. false
envelope boolean

Indicates whether or not to wrap the response in an envelope.

Some API clients cannot access the HTTP response headers or status code. To remediate this, set envelope=true in the query.

For endpoints that return one result, the response body includes:

HTTP response code
The expected response body

Request Body Parameters

Name Type Description
description string Description of the API key, which may be an empty string. Required.


Name Type Description
createdAt timestamp The time the API key was created.
description string Description of the API key.
enabled boolean Indicates whether the API key is enabled.
id string The unique identifier of the API key.
key string The new API key. Ops Manager displays the key only one time, so you must copy it.
usedCount number The number of times that the API key has been used by the associated user.
userId string The user ID associated with the request for a new API key.

Example Request

curl -X POST --digest -u "{username}:{apiKey}" --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
 "https://{ops-manager-host}:{port}/api/public/v1.0/users/69g73c0980eef52994dbgdge/keys" \
 --data '{"description":"New API Key"}'

Example Response

  "createdAt" : "2018-05-04T20:51:32Z",
  "description" : "Test",
  "enabled" : true,
  "id" : "6bedc7d480eef52e16fe4699",
  "key" : "5b27d00d-e454-4a21-863e-670587c49cc9",
  "usedCount" : 0,
  "userId" : "569g73c0980eef52994dbgdge"