Where does Mongo stores indexes from the Atlas Search?

Hello i would like to know where does Mongodb stores $search indexes? Is it in the same place as the normal indexes, in the ram memory on the same machine or is it on a different? If its on the same what are the benefits of using Mongo Atlas search over some other search engines like elasticSearch for example?

Hi @Bojan_Despotoski - Welcome to the community :slight_smile:

Hello i would like to know where does Mongodb stores $search indexes? Is it in the same place as the normal indexes, in the ram memory on the same machine or is it on a different?

As per the Atlas Search - Tune Performance documentation :

Atlas Search runs a new process, called mongot , alongside the mongod process on each host in your Atlas cluster. mongot maintains all Atlas Search indexes on collections in your Atlas databases. The amount of CPU, memory, and disk resources mongot consumes depends on several factors, including our index configuration and the complexity of your queries. Atlas Search alerts measure the amount of CPU and memory used by Atlas Search processes.

If its on the same what are the benefits of using Mongo Atlas search over some other search engines like elasticSearch for example?

You can check out the Elasticsearch vs MongoDB Atlas Search page which contains more information on this topic which may be useful.



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