We really need a mongodb charts API to create default dashboards and charts, for each costumer that hire our platform. It would reaaaaly be a very welcome addition that would definitely benefit all MongoDb charts users.
Apologies for the delay in getting this feature out. We still have it in our roadmap and we plan to work on it next year. Unfortunately, we had to prioritise a major architecture of our platform, which will continue until late this year.
If you don’t mind, can you tell me a bit more about your use case?
Will all your customers have a default dashboard that comes from a standard template? Do you see your customers adding new charts/dashboards directly from the platform?
Hello Guys, how are you? Sorry for the delay in the response.
Will all your customers have a default dashboard that comes from a standard template? In a nutshell yes, basically, when I setup a new customer, we create a new MongoDb database for him AND we would like to setup specific default dashboards for the newly created account.
If only, there was an API to copy dashboards and then change the datasource, that would solve my problem.
Of course that more elaborated APIs later would further improve our usage.
Thanks for the follow-up. The architecture restructure project has had delays, but we hope to complete it by the end of this year. Exporting/Importing of dashboards will be the very first API that we will build.
Appreciate your patience.
Any new update on this? We decided on charts over power bi because we can embed query parameters in the token when embedding. One rather large issue we are running into is that when we import the charts the dashboardid and chartid change. There is no way to “update” existing chart from import. This means that we have to track chart id’s and dashbaord id’s per environment and also update them on the fly whenver we have to import the update dashboards in our production environment. Unfortunately this means customer will experience down time as we manually update chart id’s and dashboard id’s Example of the types of conversations I am having with my developers.
Have you tried exporting the dashboard as a .charts file. Then edit the JSON to update the datasources before importing the dashboard again? We do then when deploying client facing embedded charts to all our environments (dev, qa, prod, etc).
Well, it is better then nothing. Either way, we would have to create the datasources for each customer manually, then we could have a model .charts file and just update it with the new DataSources references and upload it.
As I said, better then nothing, but still lacking an API to do it programmatically.
For reference:
It was going to be Q4. The ticket is closed so we cannot get any updates.
This is the most tedious part of our applications deploy process because it has to all be done manually across all our environments(production,debug,dev)
Any update on this. We are maybe somewhat naively building our teams customer analytics capabilities around charts. We could always rework it if we had to but the way we can securely embed prefiltered charts for customers is perfect for our needs and we already use mongo for everything else. We just really need an API because this is the only part of our CI/CD process that is still manual (and is becoming more painful with each new dashboard we want to add)
@Ciro_Nola, @Dan_Cumings , @George_Mihailov I agree, not having APIs to import/create mongo dashboard is the biggest pain point in promoting mongo chart based dashboards/reports in an embedded way for our product. It is manual, tedious, error prone & leads to frustation everytime we have to release a new report/dashboard.
@Avinash_Prasad - do we have any concrete update on this? Whatever it is, please keep the community updates. @tomhollander - would love to hear from you on this.
Any update on this? I have another promote tomorrow and am already dreading this. Since we cannot just update a chart we are also having to re-grab dashboard and chart ids so we can remap them to our platform (so we iframe the right thing). at a minimum being able to upload “updated” charts would be helpful.
Thanks so much for this feedback. I wanted to let you know that we have been working on defining the requirements and solution for an import/export API. We are looking to launch this in Q1 next year.
If we could only get one endpoint it would be an endpoint that allows to update existing dashboards and charts without changing all the Id’s. Currently we have to deleted and reconfigure all our dashboards/charts every time we want to make a change on production (based on the changes we are making on lower environments)
If we could have two endpoints it would be something that allows us to read the dashboards/charts (so we can update the charts from environment to another)
I was writing something very similar a few hours back.
Ability to import a dashboard (with additional updates/changes) onto existing dashboard, instead of creating a new dashboard every time.
Once we roll out an Atlas dashboard embedded into our product, any small change would require us to reimport the .charts from dev environments through higher environments. This leads to creation of new dashboard, thus a new embedding id, which is also required to be changed in our embedding code/config and call for a redeployment.
It would beneficial, if during import of .charts - if a dashboard with same name is found, the user is given an ability to overwrite existing dashboard (with keeping the existing embedding ids for dashboard, and it’s existing charts) OR import it as a new one. With an overwrite option, which won’t change the embedding ids - nothing needs to change on applications embedding the dashboard/charts - making such changes simple & easy.
I think there might be more value in fixing this Id issue first and then coming back to the API. It could probably save me between 20 and 40 minutes every time we have to release. Even better is if we could just point it to a git repo and you could specify a branch or tag that would be used to update existing charts (still would need to fix the id issue). I version control every chart export so we can track changes and then have to manually import/fix chart and dashboard id’s. Every release i have to udpate these id’s. We store the dashboard and chart id’s in a collection for convenience.