Charts API, progrmamatically create and update charts and chart views

Hey, we’re analyzing migrating our business analytics into mongo charts. The thing is that in our architecture, every client has its own database. From what I’ve gathered, I’d have to manually create all my charts and views for each new client, and modifying a general chart would mean going into each client’s chart and updating it manually. My team and I were wondering if you are planning to release an API to programmatically create and modify charts and chart views, the current mongoDB Charts version is not scalable for multi-db use cases.



@Juan_DIego_Arango Thanks for your question. We have plans to enable API for Charts, allowing you to create charts and dashboards dynamically. We plan to pick this up in Q3 or early Q4 this year.
You do mention charts views as well. Do you have use cases to create/update them through the API? Could you please elaborate?

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Great! Hope to see the api soon. In terms of the chart view let me explain to you my scenario: We are a software business, all our data is in a cluster and due to privacy and security reasons each of our clients have its own independent DB inside our cluster. Some visualizations, require a chart view to preprocess data with multiple complex lookups and other operations, operations we can’t perform on the chart query builder due to the no lookup restrictions (we know lookups can be done with click-ops but for some cases it is not enough due to the pipeline we need for an specific visualization). So to create a desired viz or dashboard, we first create its chart view and build the vez from the chart view. Having a lot of clients means I’d have to manually do this process for all of them, if we had an API we could write scripts so that I can create the same chart view-via-dashboard for all my different client DB’s without having to manually create each one of them. We are really excited about using charts because so far, its the only BI tool that allows us to build with click-ops in a NoSQL DB

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I’d like to add my +1 for this. Our company’s use case / pain point is identical to Juan’s. Glad to know this is on the roadmap.

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