Unable to load sample data and connect from VSCode

I am new to the MongoDB community. I created a MongoDB Atlas cluster. However, on trying to Load Sample Data, I keep getting below error. Has anyone seen this before? Is it a false alarm, and can it be ignored?

Next, I try connecting to my MongoDB database from VSCode, but it keeps failing with timeout. Is it because of the above error?

NOTE: I have added my IP address to the network access and created a user via the Database Access.

Any suggestions will be helpful

Hi Priyanka,

I’m checking with the team on the issue of loading sample data on Atlas.

In the meantime, to address the VS Code connection issue, are you able to use another tool like the MongoDB Shell / Compass to connect to the cluster by any chance? This would help us see if the issue is isolated to just the VS Code extension or if it is related to connection in general.

Hi Priyanka - for loading sample data, it looks like you may have preloaded a sample dataset called sample_mflix when you created your deployment. Can you navigate to “Browse Collections” from the screen you screenshotted and delete that sample dataset? Once that dataset is deleted, you should be able to load sample data successfully (this will load all of our sample datasets listed here: https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/sample-data/). This error is on our radar and we’ve planned a fix. Hope this helps!

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Thank you @Sahi_Muthyala!
I deleted the sample_mflix sample dataset. I was then able to load the sample dataset.

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