Text search uses too much RAM


I use text search in the aggregation pipeline, and I face a problem. It uses too much RAM (8GB of RAM is not enough for a single aggregation call). Can I make any optimizations to reduce the memory usage?

Collection metrics:

  • Number of documents: 380 000
  • Size of the collection: ~8GB
  • Size of the text index: 340MB

Database: MongoDB 4.4

Hi @Roman_Right,

Probably. But I don’t see how we could potentially help you without some sample documents, index definitions and the pipeline you mentioned.

Also, you are using Atlas Search here, correct?


Hi @MaBeuLux88 ,

Thank you for your reply.

No, I use stand-alone MongoDB 4.4.

The aggregation query is next:

        "$match": {
            "$expr": {
                "$eq": ["$tag", "8"]
            "$text": {"$search": "good"}
        "$limit": 10

The document schema is {“text”: string, “tag”: string}.

The “text” field is ~ 20000 symbols in length. It can be any text, I think. For the synthetic tests, I used parts of a book “20000 leagues under the sea” and it had the same results.

The tag field is small (<10 symbols).

The text index is set the next way: db[“my-collection”].createIndex({“text”: “text”});

I created a repo with scripts, that can reproduce my problem: GitHub - roman-right/text_index_memory_usage

I face this problem only in MongoDB 4.4.

MongoDB 5.0 works well, Atlas (with 5.0 on board) works well too.

Mb there are specific tweaks for 4.4, that I should use?

Hi @Roman_Right,

Sorry for the break, I had a baby :slight_smile: !

Are you familiar with the allowDiskUse option?

If your cluster has 8 GB or RAM, most of it is already use by the OS, the working set, the indexes and the other queries. Your aggregation can only use whatever RAM is left. Is your cluster already maxed at 8GB of RAM constantly or there is some room left for queries and for your cluster to be healthy?

I’m not sure why there is a difference between 4.4 and 5.0. It could be that your 5.0 isn’t as loaded as the 4.4 one which is in prod I’m guessing and therefore has more RAM & ressources available.

Also 5.0 is, of course, an improved version since 4.4 so maybe some features are improving the performances. Maybe it’s time to plan an upgrade and say goodbye to 2020.


Sorry for reviving an old thread, but we just ran into this problem on a MongoDB 4.4 replica set and after running some tests we came to a solution that seems somewhat silly? I was hoping to get some insight if possible. Let me know if you’d rather I opened a new thread altogether!

First some context:
We have a collection guide_progresses with around ~2M documents, and the following indices:

		"v" : 2,
		"key" : {
			"_id" : 1
		"name" : "_id_"
		"v" : 2,
		"key" : {
			"guide.slug" : 1,
			"last_assignment.exercise.eid" : 1
		"name" : "ExBibIdIndex"
		"v" : 2,
		"key" : {
			"organization" : 1,
			"course" : 1,
			"student.uid" : 1
		"name" : "organization_1_course_1_student.uid_1"
		"v" : 2,
		"key" : {
			"_fts" : "text",
			"_ftsx" : 1
		"name" : "student.first_name_text_student.last_name_text_student.email_text",
		"default_language" : "english",
		"language_override" : "language",
		"weights" : {
			"student.email" : 1,
			"student.first_name" : 1,
			"student.last_name" : 1
		"textIndexVersion" : 3
		"v" : 2,
		"key" : {
			"organization" : 1,
			"course" : 1,
			"guide.slug" : 1,
			"student.uid" : 1
		"name" : "organization_1_course_1_guide.slug_1_student.uid_1"

Our application, as part of its regular work flow, runs the following query:

            "organization": "wwwwwwwwwwwwww",
            "course": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
            "guide.slug": "yyyyyyyyyyyyyy",
                "$exists": false
                "$search": "\"zzzzzzzzzzzzzz\""
            "stats.passed": 1,
            "stats.passed_with_warnings": 1,
            "stats.failed": 1,
            "student.last_name": 1,
            "student.first_name": 1
            "_id": 0,
            "assignments": 0,
            "notifications": 0,
            "guide._id": 0,
            "student._id": 0,
            "last_assignment._id": 0,
            "last_assignment.guide._id": 0,
            "last_assignment.exercise._id": 0,
            "last_assignment.submission._id": 0
                    "$skip": 0
                    "$limit": 30
                    "$count": "count"
  "allowDiskUse": true

Now, here comes the part I could use some insight with; upon asking for the query plan for the previous query, it returns the following:

	"stages" : [
			"$cursor" : {
				"query" : {
					"organization" : "wwwwwwwwwwwwww",
					"course" : "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
					"guide.slug" : "yyyyyyyyyyyyyy",
					"detached" : {
						"$exists" : false
					"$text" : {
						"$search" : "\"zzzzzzzzzzzzzz\""
				"fields" : {
					"$textScore" : {
						"$meta" : "textScore"
				"queryPlanner" : {
					"plannerVersion" : 1,
					"namespace" : "classroom.guide_progresses",
					"indexFilterSet" : false,
					"parsedQuery" : {
						"$and" : [
								"course" : {
									"$eq" : "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
								"guide.slug" : {
									"$eq" : "yyyyyyyyyyyyyy"
								"organization" : {
									"$eq" : "wwwwwwwwwwwwww"
								"$nor" : [
										"detached" : {
											"$exists" : true
								"$text" : {
									"$search" : "\"zzzzzzzzzzzzzz\"",
									"$language" : "english",
									"$caseSensitive" : false,
									"$diacriticSensitive" : false
					"winningPlan" : {
						"stage" : "PROJECTION",
						"transformBy" : {
							"$textScore" : {
								"$meta" : "textScore"
						"inputStage" : {
							"stage" : "FETCH",
							"filter" : {
								"$and" : [
										"course" : {
											"$eq" : "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
										"guide.slug" : {
											"$eq" : "yyyyyyyyyyyyyy"
										"organization" : {
											"$eq" : "wwwwwwwwwwwwww"
										"$nor" : [
												"detached" : {
													"$exists" : true
							"inputStage" : {
								"stage" : "TEXT",
								"indexPrefix" : {
								"indexName" : "student.first_name_text_student.last_name_text_student.email_text",
								"parsedTextQuery" : {
									"terms" : [
									"negatedTerms" : [ ],
									"phrases" : [
									"negatedPhrases" : [ ]
								"textIndexVersion" : 3,
								"inputStage" : {
									"stage" : "TEXT_MATCH",
									"inputStage" : {
										"stage" : "TEXT_OR",
										"inputStage" : {
											"stage" : "IXSCAN",
											"keyPattern" : {
												"_fts" : "text",
												"_ftsx" : 1
											"indexName" : "student.first_name_text_student.last_name_text_student.email_text",
											"isMultiKey" : true,
											"isUnique" : false,
											"isSparse" : false,
											"isPartial" : false,
											"indexVersion" : 1,
											"direction" : "backward",
											"indexBounds" : {
					"rejectedPlans" : [ ]
			"$sort" : {
				"sortKey" : {
					"stats.passed" : 1,
					"stats.passed_with_warnings" : 1,
					"stats.failed" : 1,
					"student.last_name" : 1,
					"student.first_name" : 1
			"$project" : {
				"notifications" : false,
				"assignments" : false,
				"_id" : false,
				"student" : {
					"_id" : false
				"last_assignment" : {
					"_id" : false,
					"exercise" : {
						"_id" : false
					"submission" : {
						"_id" : false
					"guide" : {
						"_id" : false
				"guide" : {
					"_id" : false
			"$facet" : {
				"results" : [
						"$limit" : NumberLong(30)
				"total" : [
						"$group" : {
							"_id" : {
								"$const" : null
							"count" : {
								"$sum" : {
									"$const" : 1
						"$project" : {
							"_id" : false,
							"count" : true
	"ok" : 1

Meaning, if I’m understanding that correctly, that Mongo seems to be ignoring all other possible index scans, and using only the text search index.
This also means that a full text search is done over our whole 2M document collection, which seems to shoot RAM usage up extremely fast, which in our case ended up causing thrasing, slow performance across all other queries too, and after a little while, a server restart.

As a temporary solution to this we’re found that changing the aforementioned query’s match stage to the following:

            "organization": "wwwwwwwwwwwwww",
            "course": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
            "guide.slug": "yyyyyyyyyyyyyy",
                "$exists": false
                    "first_name": /zzzzzzzzzzzzzz/
                    "last_name": /zzzzzzzzzzzzzz/
                    "email": /zzzzzzzzzzzzzz/

Comes up with a much more desirable query plan:

	"stages" : [
			"$cursor" : {
				"query" : {
					"organization" : "wwwwwwwwwwwwww",
					"course" : "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
					"guide.slug" : "yyyyyyyyyyyyyy",
					"detached" : {
						"$exists" : false
					"$or" : [
							"first_name" : /zzzzzzzzzzzzzz/
							"last_name" : /zzzzzzzzzzzzzz/
							"email" : /zzzzzzzzzzzzzz/
				"queryPlanner" : {
					"plannerVersion" : 1,
					"namespace" : "classroom.guide_progresses",
					"indexFilterSet" : false,
					"parsedQuery" : {
						"$and" : [
								"$or" : [
										"email" : {
											"$regex" : "zzzzzzzzzzzzzz"
										"first_name" : {
											"$regex" : "zzzzzzzzzzzzzz"
										"last_name" : {
											"$regex" : "zzzzzzzzzzzzzz"
								"course" : {
									"$eq" : "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
								"guide.slug" : {
									"$eq" : "yyyyyyyyyyyyyy"
								"organization" : {
									"$eq" : "wwwwwwwwwwwwww"
								"$nor" : [
										"detached" : {
											"$exists" : true
					"winningPlan" : {
						"stage" : "CACHED_PLAN",
						"inputStage" : {
							"stage" : "FETCH",
							"filter" : {
								"$and" : [
										"$or" : [
												"email" : {
													"$regex" : "zzzzzzzzzzzzzz"
												"first_name" : {
													"$regex" : "zzzzzzzzzzzzzz"
												"last_name" : {
													"$regex" : "zzzzzzzzzzzzzz"
										"$nor" : [
												"detached" : {
													"$exists" : true
							"inputStage" : {
								"stage" : "IXSCAN",
								"keyPattern" : {
									"organization" : 1,
									"course" : 1,
									"guide.slug" : 1,
									"student.uid" : 1
								"indexName" : "organization_1_course_1_guide.slug_1_student.uid_1",
								"isMultiKey" : false,
								"multiKeyPaths" : {
									"organization" : [ ],
									"course" : [ ],
									"guide.slug" : [ ],
									"student.uid" : [ ]
								"isUnique" : false,
								"isSparse" : false,
								"isPartial" : false,
								"indexVersion" : 1,
								"direction" : "forward",
								"indexBounds" : {
									"organization" : [
										"[\"wwwwwwwwwwwwww\", \"wwwwwwwwwwwwww\"]"
									"course" : [
										"[\"xxxxxxxxxxxxxx\", \"xxxxxxxxxxxxxx\"]"
									"guide.slug" : [
										"[\"yyyyyyyyyyyyyy\", \"yyyyyyyyyyyyyy\"]"
									"student.uid" : [
										"[MinKey, MaxKey]"
					"rejectedPlans" : [ ]
			"$sort" : {
				"sortKey" : {
					"stats.passed" : 1,
					"stats.passed_with_warnings" : 1,
					"stats.failed" : 1,
					"student.last_name" : 1,
					"student.first_name" : 1
			"$project" : {
				"notifications" : false,
				"assignments" : false,
				"_id" : false,
				"student" : {
					"_id" : false
				"last_assignment" : {
					"_id" : false,
					"exercise" : {
						"_id" : false
					"submission" : {
						"_id" : false
					"guide" : {
						"_id" : false
				"guide" : {
					"_id" : false
			"$facet" : {
				"results" : [
						"$limit" : NumberLong(30)
				"total" : [
						"$group" : {
							"_id" : {
								"$const" : null
							"count" : {
								"$sum" : {
									"$const" : 1
						"$project" : {
							"_id" : false,
							"count" : true
	"ok" : 1

I realise this is not a perfect replacement of the text search feature, although depending on the use case and tuning the regexp similar results (if not exactly the same) can be obtained. This way however, instead of running the full text search over the whole 2M document collection, it is first filtered via our organization_1_course_1_guide.slug_1_student.uid_1 index, resulting in the “text search” to be executed (in our use case) only over a couple thousand documents, and negligible RAM usage and response times.

So I was left wondering, is this the expected behavior? Does the text search feature just not play well with other indices? Or maybe we don’t have our text index properly setup?

Any help on this would be greatly appreciated!

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Sorry for the long reply.

Congratulations! :tada:

Yes, finally we decided to move to 5 as in addition to this there are many other critical updates there. Thank you for your help! :slight_smile:

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Hi @Julian_Berbel_Alt,

If this is still a problem for you, I would create a new topic indeed as I think there is an entire conversation to have here with someone that knows FTS in and out. Maybe @Karen_Huaulme or @Erik_Hatcher.
