Replica Sets - RAM usage

How is RAM distributed for the replica sets?

For example when we have a M30 cluster with 8GB RAM - does it mean that each of the “3 data bearing servers” has 8GB or just 8GB in total for all 3?

Hi @max_matinpalo,

For example when we have a M30 cluster with 8GB RAM - does it mean that each of the “3 data bearing servers” has 8GB or just 8GB in total for all 3?

As noted on the Atlas Cluster Sizing and Tier Selection - Memory documentation:

Memory refers to the total physical RAM available on each data bearing node of your Atlas cluster. For example, an M30 standard replica set is configured with 8 GB RAM on each of the 3 data bearing nodes.

Funnily enough the example is also M30 :slight_smile:

Hope this helps!



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