MongoDB Atlas Unhealthy


We are exploring mongodb Atlas for our application, Currently we are using M2 (General) for POC.
Our data connection and other parameters are well under control. But there is frequent restart from server.
Which looks odd.
Our application is spring boot(2.6.8) application using spring-boot-starter-data-mongodb, Java version is 11.


Hi @Prabhat_Kumar2 - Welcome to the community.

With regards to the M2 shared tier cluster issues you’re experiencing, I would recommend you please contact the Atlas support team via the in-app chat to investigate any operational issues related to your Atlas account. You can additionally raise a support case if you have a support subscription. The community forums are for public discussion and we cannot help with service or account / billing enquiries.

Some examples of when to contact the Atlas support team:

  • Deployment of cluster changes being stalled
  • Payment of invoices failing

Best Regards,
Jason Tran