MongoDB Atlas like GUI & App Service for own cluster

In case we need a custom cluster on our HW, is there a GUI available like I use on the MongoDB Atlas?
something to keep an eye on the cluster, query docs, create an App Service, and such things.
thanks for answer,

MongoDB Compass does some of that.

You can take a look at Ops Manager or Cloud Manager.


The managers look promising.
Big trouble is the Atlas App Service. that seems has no open source alternative.
[a proxy from react to self hosted mongodb]

Well, the nature of open source is you write a lot of your own stuff :grin:

I come from the open source community and with locally hosted MongoDB I write my own database layer. It’s not that hard.

Otherwise, in general, the programmer goes with a vendor’s paid solution.

If you’re just starting with MongoDB then it’s probably a good idea to write a database layer yourself at least once. It’s hard to use frameworks if you’ve never written it “by hand” yourself at least once.

Definitely a no.
Of course i can write my own db proxy as a rest service. But why?
Always consider your goals. Is your goal to write a great custom db proxy?
Or to focus actually on your product?
Avoid complications, avoid useless points of potential bugs and create a solution that
Is easy to mantain, not to do more work.

I see your point. If you’re doing enterprise programming, then you purchase enterprise software, I guess.