@Doug_Duncan sir see I made the changes is these correct? so that we can move further with the process

That could be correct for Redis, but I’m not sure. Redis processes have nothing to do with MongoDB.

Does brew services still show root as the user? If so you need to uninstall MongoDB and manually remove the directories/files in the screenshot that I posted earlier. You then need to reinstall MongoDB with your normal user account so that it can start up properly.

@Doug_Duncan sir as per you instruction i uninstalled mongodb and then manually removed the files and then reinstalled it as below

and after the above step i am getting the following error as soon as i used command brew services start mongodb-community@5.0

Now what should I do?

Please check this one too

Unfortunately you have not supplied the MongoDB logs so again we can’t help with why the service is having issues starting up. I have put steps to get the log data in my original post. Once you post the log then we can provide more help.

output of the log file with path - /opt/homebrew/var/log/mongodb/mongo.log

@Doug_Duncan sir please check the mongo.log

Looking at the screenshot you provided I can see (about half way down) where it says Waiting for connections and then towards the bottom of the screen I can see a connection was made with the MongoDB Shell.

Are you have issues?

Actually the first issue is in brew services it’s stating error with mongoDB community@5.0
And the second is temporary the connections are made through mongo shell and later it’s not able to connect to the server

If brew services start mongodb-community is failing to start it sounds like there is an instance of mongod already running, but that’s just a suggestion from what I’ve seen in the past. Again, the screenshot only shows a limited amount of the log file and from what I can see the mongod service is indeed running.

What are the results of running ps -ef | grep mongod? If you get a result then kill the process, delete the current log file and try staring via brew once more. If mongod fails to start the log should be relatively small. and it will be easier to see what’s happening.

output of ps -ef | grep mongod

OK, so this shows that mongod is running and explains why you can connect via either mongo or mongosh. It also explains why you are not able to start the process using brew start ....

The 0 in the first column of the first line show that is running under the root user which is not good. I would run kill 334 to stop that process and then brew service start mongodb-community to allow brew to run the process.

One thing to note here is that since the process is currently running as root, that user probably owns the directories and files and those will need to be either deleted or have their ownership changed to your normal user so brew start ... does not fail due to permission issues.

I can’t stress this enough, you should never run a service/daemon as the root user unless explicitly told to do so, and even then only do it as long as you understand the risks involved with doing so.

@Doug_Duncan sir I did same as you said and getting this

and now with mongo I am getting this error

new output of the log file with path - /opt/homebrew/var/log/mongodb/mongo.log

Did you check permissions/ownership of dbpath & logpath directories as Doug_Duncan mentioned above?
Since it was run as root previously they might be owned by root and when you start the service as normal user mongod is not able to write
Your log shows only shutdown related messages none related to startup

This the mongod.conf file

Kindly see the ownership

Please show full path by pwd command
Did you try restart of your service
Also can you spinup another mongod on different port,dbpath,logpath where mongod can write

full path by pwd command

and how can I pinup another mongod?