Delete my account

I was looking around at the platform, but now I want to delete my account. How do I go about doing that?

You mean Atlas account? or some other account

Not just Atlas, but everything associated when I logged in. How do I do that? There’s no option that I can find.

Please check this link

Once you complete Atlas deletion and send mail everything will be deleted i think

I deleted my atlas account, and even the organization along with active project. But my account is still live and I can’t delete it. This violates CCPA.

Hi @Ed_Me,

The documentation link provided by @Ramachandra_Tummala outlines the process for Atlas account deletion.

The last step for account deletion is to Email Atlas Support. The team has specific procedures to follow for compliance measures and full removal of data from our business systems, so you should receive a response and confirmation for your account deletion request.

You can read more about our cloud security, compliance, and privacy measures via the MongoDB Trust Center.


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