This Week in MongoDB: October 22-28
Hello everyone, here’s what’s going on in the MongoDB World
Upcoming MongoDB days:
MongoDB Boston, October 23
A Morning with MongoDB Milan, October 24
MongoDB Bangalore October 26
A Morning with MongoDB, Paris
, November 7
MongoDB Melbourne, November 9
MongDB Sydney, November 12
MongoDB Chicago, November 13
A Morning with MongoDB, Brussels, November 14
MongoSV, December 4
MongoDB Tokyo, December 12
Upcoming Webinars:
October 24: How and Why Leading Investment Organizations Are Moving to MongoDB
October 25: Ensuring High Availability for Real-Time Analytics
October 30: Managing Social Content with MongoDB
November 1: Building Web Applications with MongoDB and Spring
November 6: Managing Real-time Risk Analytics with MongoDB
User Groups and Events this Week
October 21-22: Brendan McAdams at PyCon Finland
October 23
10gen at Red Hat Government Symposium
NYC MongoDB User group at Dataweek
October 24
MongoDB Boston
NYC MongoDB Study Group at 10gen
Inaugural Milwaukee MongoDB User Group
October 25
MongoDB Bangalore Workshops
Thames Valley MongoDB User group
October 26
MongoDB Bangalore
Things to read:
Congrats to 10gen partner,
MongoHQ on their $6 Million round
Things I wish I knew about MongoDB a Year Ago
Writing Reactive Web Apps with ReactiveMongo and Play!
Have something to add for next week?
Let us know!
Tagged with: mongodb, event, events, community, webinars
October 22, 2012