View the MongoDB World 2018 sessions

Danielle James


MongoDB World 2018 drew MongoDB community members from across the globe. At the event, attendees were able to meet with experts, connect with one another, and have a good time at the daily closing receptions.

If you weren’t able to attend and followed the #MDBW18 hashtag, chances are you found yourself dealing with a bit of FOMO. But just because you missed out on the in-person experience doesn’t mean you have to miss out on the learning.

From the keynotes to the panels, we filmed the majority of this year’s sessions. Now, you can view them at your convenience.


P.S. If you’d rather learn about these topics in person, check out our upcoming events. MongoDB.local might be coming to a city near you for a one-day, educational conference. First up? Chicago, Austin, and DC.