MongoDB 3.2.10-rc2 is released



MongoDB 3.2.10-rc2 is out and is ready for testing. This is a release candidate containing only fixes since 3.2.9. The next stable release 3.2.10 will be a recommended upgrade for all 3.2 users.

Fixed in this release:

  • SERVER-12048 Calling "service mongod start" with mongod running prevents "service mongod stop" from working
  • SERVER-16801 Update considers a change in numerical type to be a noop
  • SERVER-24885 The systemd MaxTasks feature can prevent mongod from accepting new connections
  • SERVER-24971 Excessive memory held by sessions when application threads do evictions
  • SERVER-25478 Use wtimeout in sh.setBalancerState
  • SERVER-25951 Report additional metrics in getMore slowms logging
  • SERVER-25039 Aggregation can attempt to re-plan after collection has been dropped
  • SERVER-25478 Use wtimeout in sh.setBalancerState
  • TOOLS-1429 mongostat panic when monitored server is restarted
  • WT-2026 Maximum pages size at eviction too large
  • WT-2924 Ensure we are doing eviction when threads are waiting for it

All Issues | Downloads

As always, please let us know of any issues.

-- The MongoDB Team