MongoDB 2.6.11 is released



MongoDB 2.6.11 is out and is ready for production deployment. This release contains only fixes since 2.6.10, and is a recommended upgrade for all 2.6 users.

Fixed in this release:

  • SERVER-13875 ensureIndex of 2dsphere index breaks after upgrading to 2.6 (with the new createIndex command)
  • SERVER-14070 Compound index not providing sort if equality predicate given on sort field
  • SERVER-16348 Assertion failure n >= 0 && n < static_cast(_files.size()) src/mongo/db/storage/extent_manager.cpp 109
  • SERVER-17815 Plan ranking tie breaker is computed incorrectly
  • SERVER-18620 Reduce frequency of “staticYield can’t unlock” log message
  • SERVER-19191 “restore” role does not have applyOps permissions on servers using a keyFile

2.6 Release Notes | Downloads | All Issues

As always, please let us know of any issues.

– The MongoDB Team