Introducing the MongoDB Community Kit



Open source projects thrive as a reflection of the participation and enthusiasm of their communities. MongoDB is a great example of a global community, and we have seen a number of people, like MongoDB MUG organizers and MongoDB Masters, create lasting impact for MongoDB through their work with the community. To encourage growth in the MongoDB Community, we’ve taken what we’ve learned and turned into a new resource: The MongoDB Community Kit.

Sometimes people want to get involved but aren’t sure how how to get started. This tool can help you as a user and a community member contribute to the project in whatever way you like. Based on our experiences with thousands of developers over the past 4 years, the MongoDB community team have developed a number of techniques that will help you provide valuable impact. For instance, you can:

  • Give a talk on how you scaled your MongoDB infrastructure
  • Write a blog post with real advice on how to use MongoDB in production
  • Create an open source tool for MongoDB that enables other users to code faster and create better deployments.
  • Create a User Group in your local area that educates new users and brings a community together
  • Contribute to the community in whichever way you like, even if it isn’t listed in the Community Kit. The invitation is open.

The Kit is available on Github as an open source project. This makes it easy to access, fork and update. This package is released under the Creative Commons license CC BY-NC-SA 3.0. Just like any other project, this kit gets better when users contribute their knowledge, so we encourage you to submit a pull request and add your feedback.

Some suggestions:

  • Add some posters you created for a MUG
  • Post your “Intro to MongoDB Slides”
  • Fork the kit and translate it into your own language and share with your community

We’re looking forward to seeing all the great activity coming from the community. Keep the pull requests coming!