
MongoDB & Amazon Web Services (AWS) Fraud Detection Immersion Day (APAC timezone)

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July 11, 2024

9:00am-11:30am IST | 11:30am-2:00pm SGT | 1:30pm-4:00pm AEST

Not the right time zone? We are also running this on 19th June in EMEA and 24th July in AMER.

Existing fraud detection systems often grapple with a critical limitation – relying on stale data – which limits the ability to access data in real-time to prevent fraudulent activities before they happen.

Join MongoDB and AWS for a deep dive virtual workshop into Fraud Detection using MongoDB Atlas and Amazon SageMaker Canvas to learn how you can proactively identify and combat fraudulent activities, safeguarding systems and protecting customers.

By leveraging MongoDB Atlas as an operational data store you are able to accommodate high-volume transactional data with exceptional performance and flexibility. Coupled with Amazon SageMaker Canvas, leverage AI/ML solutions effortlessly with a no-code platform that brings the power of advanced analytics for fraud detection to your fingertips.

In the virtual workshop, you will learn:

  • How to architect, design, build, and deploy applications with MongoDB Atlas in the AWS Marketplace
  • How to identify and prevent fraudulent activities or transactions with a modern data architecture
  • Data analytics and machine learning techniques to identify patterns and anomalies
  • How to monitor transactions in real-time, analyse historical data, and flag any suspicious activity with with MongoDB Atlas and Sagemaker Canvas

You will hear from:

  • Bhavik Bhatt: Associate Solutions Architect at MongoDB
  • Igor Alekseev: Data & Analytics Partner Solutions Architect at AWS

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