
Simple Java Web Apps with MongoDB

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May 12, 2011

We will take an extremely hard and challenging topic, to quickly (20 minutes) build an app with Stripes, Guice, Morphia and the MongoDB driver. In this fast-paced demo we will build an app from start to finish. It won't be the next great social network app with viral marketing and a mobile presence but it will flex the power of MongoDB (ever so slightly) and show how all the pieces fit together with Java; most of the concepts are directly applicable to any language/platform.

The last 30 minutes will be an interactive question and answer period; We can add more features to the demo app and explore any areas in MongoDB which might need some light shed on it. No area will be off-limits; nor will any ideas be outside the scope of this interactive coding session. If we have time we can replace the single MongoDB instance with a sharded, and replicated cluster of nodes to show how the application continues to function without any changes.

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