Package io.realm.kotlin.mongodb.exceptions


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open class AppException : RealmException
Top level class for all exceptions that are specific to using App Services and Device Sync.
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open class AuthException : ServiceException
This exception is considered the top-level or "catch-all" for problems related to user account actions.
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class BadFlexibleSyncQueryException : SyncException
Thrown when the server does not support one or more of the queries defined in the io.realm.kotlin.mongodb.sync.SubscriptionSet.
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class BadRequestException : ServiceException
This exception is thrown when parameters sent to Atlas App Services are considered malformed.
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class ClientResetRequiredException(appPointer: <ERROR CLASS>, error: SyncError) : Throwable
Class encapsulating information needed for handling a Client Reset event.
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open class ConnectionException : ServiceException
Exception indicating that something went wrong with the underlying HTTP request to App Services.
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class DownloadingRealmTimeOutException : RealmException
Thrown when opening a Realm and it didn't finish download server data in the allocated timeframe.
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class InvalidCredentialsException : AuthException
Thrown when credentials were rejected by the server when trying to log in.
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open class ServiceException : AppException
This exception is considered the top-level or "catch-all" for problems related to HTTP requests made towards App Services.
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open class SyncException : AppException
This exception is considered the top-level exception or general "catch-all" for problems related to using Device Sync.
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class UnrecoverableSyncException : SyncException
Thrown when something has gone wrong with Device Sync in a way that is not recoverable.
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class UserAlreadyConfirmedException : AuthException
Thrown when trying to confirm a user that was already confirmed on the server.
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class UserAlreadyExistsException : AuthException
Thrown when trying to register a new user with email and password, and the user already exists.
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class UserNotFoundException : AuthException
Thrown when using an API that also require some kind of user identifier, but the server is not able to find the user.
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class WrongSyncTypeException : SyncException
Thrown when the type of sync used by the server does not match the one used by the client, i.e.