Package io.realm.kotlin

Core functions and types.


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interface BaseRealm : Versioned
Base class for all Realm instances (Realm and MutableRealm).
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fun fun interface CompactOnLaunchCallback
This interface is used to determine if a Realm file should be compacted the first time the file is opened and before the instance is returned.
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interface Configuration
Base configuration options shared between all realm configuration types.
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interface Deleteable
A deleteable is an entity that can be deleted in a write transaction or as part of a migration.
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fun fun interface InitialDataCallback
This interface is used to write data to a Realm file when the file is first created.
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data class LogConfiguration(level: LogLevel, loggers: List<RealmLogger>)
Configuration for log events created by a Realm instance.
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interface MutableRealm : TypedRealm
Represents the writeable state of a Realm file.
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interface Realm : TypedRealm
A Realm instance is the main entry point for interacting with a persisted realm.
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interface RealmConfiguration : Configuration
A Realm Configuration defining specific setup and configuration for a Realm instance.
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interface TypedRealm : BaseRealm
A typed realm that can be queried for objects of a specific type.
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enum UpdatePolicy : Enum<UpdatePolicy>
Update policy that controls how to handle import of objects with existing primary keys when import them with MutableRealm.copyToRealm and DynamicMutableRealm.copyToRealm.
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interface Versioned
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data class VersionId(version: Long) : Comparable<VersionId>
A VersionId representing the transactional id of the Realm itself or it's objects.