Write Conflict when using payed cluster and Azure

Hi!! I was running a python application on shared M0 cluster and google cloud and was able to insert 60000 data via insert_many in pymongo without write conflict, as soon as I upgraded the cluster to dedicated using Azure the exact same script started returning Writer Conflict, I tried to use AWS Cloud, upgrading again to M20 , but with no success. How does the shared cluster not return Writer Conflict Error whilst the dedicated, supposedly more potent, does?

Hi @Marina_De_Souza_Ripper - Welcome to the community.

Could you provide the following information:

  1. insert_many pymongo script used? (please redact any personal or sensitive information)
  2. full write conflict error

Additionally, can you confirm if the below steps are somewhat correct in terms of producing this issue?

  1. Created M0 GCP free tier cluster
  2. Ran the insert_many pymongo script against the cluster in 1.
  3. Upgraded the same M0 cluster in 1. to M10 Azure
  4. Ran the insert_many pymongo script again against the upgraded cluster (now M10)
  5. Received write conflict
  6. Upgraded the M10 Azure cluster to M20 AWS
  7. Ran the insert_many pymongo script again against the upgraded cluster (now M20)
  8. Received write conflict error

Additionally, the write conflict mentioned is unlikely to be caused by the underlying cloud provider since it is generally the result of two or more processes trying to update the same document.


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