What is the best way to update a field in an embedded document in an array by reusing the field's value?

In my collection, I have an array of embedded documents like so:

        "_id" : ObjectId("63506c5db40233003a1252ab"),
        "filters" : [
                        "jaql" : {
                                "dim" : "country.Country"
                        "jaql" : {
                                "dim" : "[Commerce.Date (Calendar)]"
                        "jaql" : {
                                "dim" : "[Commerce.Revenue]"
                        "jaql" : {
                                "dim" : "[Country.Name]"

I want to update the embedded document’s field “dim” : “country.Country” and add the missing square brackets to the value so I want to reuse the value and have “dim” : “[country.Country]” in the end

When I don’t use aggregation and use arrayFilters I cannot reuse the value with $value and have to refer to the value explicitly, so the script is not universal:


When I use aggregation I can use a pattern and reuse the value of the field, but cannot reach the embedded document: (simplified the script by just trying to reuse the value with $)


“index” : 0,
“code” : 16412,
“errmsg” : “Invalid $set :: caused by :: FieldPath field names may not contain ‘.’.”,

What is the best way to achieve my goal?

I think that in your $map, the in expression has to use $mergeObjects. Something along the following untested lines:

{ "$map" : {
  "input" : "$filters" ,
  "in" : { "$mergeObjects" : [
    "$$this" ,
    { "jaql.dim" : { "$concat" : [ "[" , "$$this.jaql.dim" , "]" ] } }
  ] }
} }

Please be safe!

Thank you @steevej . Unfortunately it still doesn’t work for me: I still cannot access the embedded document:

      { "$map" : {
        "input" : "$filters" ,
        "in" : { "$mergeObjects" : [
          "$$this" ,
          { "jaql.dim" : { "$concat" : [ "[" , "$$this.jaql.dim" , "]" ] } }

“index” : 0,
“code” : 16412,
“errmsg” : “Invalid $set :: caused by :: FieldPath field names may not contain ‘.’.”,

when I remove the ‘.’ in the field key and leave it in the value it works:

        { "$map" : {
          "input" : "$filters" ,
          "in" : { "$mergeObjects" : [
            "$$this" ,
            { "jaql" : "$$this.jaql" }

but I still need to access the embedded document.

@steevej FYI the structure of the filters array is the following:

    "filters" : [
                    "jaql" : {
                            "datasource" : {
                                    "title" : "Sample Healthcare",
                                    "fullname" : "LocalHost/Sample Healthcare",
                                    "id" : "localhost_aSampleIAAaHealthcare",
                                    "address" : "localHost",
                                    "database" : "aSampleIAAaHealthcare"
                            "column" : "Gender",
                            "dim" : "Patients.Gender",
                            "datatype" : "text",
                            "filter" : {
                                    "explicit" : false,
                                    "multiSelection" : true,
                                    "all" : true
                            "title" : "GENDER",
                            "collapsed" : true
                    "isCascading" : false

You make me work hard. But it makes me learn. B-)

The error message made me think that we may need a second level of $mergeObjects.

With the following:

set = [{"$set":
      { "$map" : {
        "input" : "$filters" ,
        "in" : { "$mergeObjects" : [
          "$$this" ,
          { "jaql" : { "$mergeObjects" : [ "$$this.jaql" , { "dim" : { "$concat" : [ "[" , "$$this.jaql.dim" , "]" ] } } ] } }

I do NOT get the error

and your sample document from your last post is updated to:

{ _id: ObjectId("6359ab29cbf1ad6771bd5290"),
   [ { jaql: 
        { datasource: 
           { title: 'Sample Healthcare',
             fullname: 'LocalHost/Sample Healthcare',
             id: 'localhost_aSampleIAAaHealthcare',
             address: 'localHost',
             database: 'aSampleIAAaHealthcare' },
          column: 'Gender',
          dim: '[Patients.Gender]',
          datatype: 'text',
          filter: { explicit: false, multiSelection: true, all: true },
          title: 'GENDER',
          collapsed: true },
       isCascading: false } ] }
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@steevej perfect! You’re a genius! This script works marvelously and takes a few seconds to run instead of the previous JavaScript with ‘forEach’ which used to run for several minutes.

The lesson learned: dot notation doesn’t allow to access embedded documents when using $set with aggregation pipelines. The workaround is to use $mergeObjects. It looks like a good feature request for MongoDB.

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