Hi everyone!
I am extremely new to MongoDB including using this community forum and using its various functions of coding. I have scoured through multiple pages of documentation online within Mongo DB and google itself and I seem to still be stuck on the solution to my problem. Consider I have the following documents in my Test collection
I need each outputted document to stay together as a whole, but also I need to be able to pull each field key within that document. For example my current method of pulling a single document is by using an aggregate function:
const testing2 = await test.aggregate(
{ $project : { _id: 0, content : 1 , channelID : 1, stick:1 }
This will give me all of my documents in the collection like needed. I then index the documents to pull the specific one I need. For example console.log(testing2[0]) will pull the first document in the collection, so it would show:
From then, I still need to get the three specific values within that indexed document - content, messageID, and channel ID, but i am unable to figure out how to further breakdown this newly outputted document to only show the values I need. For instance, if I wanted to pull only the “content:” portion out of the testing2[0] document I need the desired output to show:
If I needed to pull the “channelID:” value from the testing2[0] document I need the desired output to show:
I have already tried to use the distinct() method of pulling each individual field within the collection, which works fine for pulling those specific fields, but doesn’t always match up together in the end with the way Mongo sorts each of the documents. For example I have tried:
var content = ((await test.distinct("content")));
var channel = (await test.distinct("channelID"));
var stick = (await test.distinct("stick"));
Which will pulls those specific fields out of the collection. So with trying to index the first document, I naturally tried:
console.log (content[0] + channel[0] + stick[0])
for the desired output of:
"yup", "1", "off"
However it seems to pull differently with how MongoDB ranks each document within the collection for each key, so instead of it pulling the first document in the collection, the desired out put varies each time, so I might receive an output of:
“yup”, “2”, “on”
“hi”, “1”, “off”
depending on how Mongo decides to pull. I am using the most up to date version of MongoDB as well as the most up to date version of node.js and running the code through the software VSCode. If anyone has a solution to my it would be so much help - I am unsure if I am missing something somewhere because I am so new to this or if there is just something I’m not doing correctly.