Use regex in $in operator using aggregation

Hi Team,

I faced issue while using regex pattern in $in Operator using aggregation.

  $match: { name: { $in: [ /tom/i, /harry/i ] }}

Above example works well with mongo compass but the same using in python wont work shows compile error near / .

I’ve tried using re package for this using pymongo in python base, but the aggregation query formed like below,

  $match: { name: { $in: [ re.compile('/tom/i'), re.compile('/harry/i') ] }}

Please suggest what is that issue or I’m missing something here.


You may always use Compass and export in the language of choice.

When I export

    $match: { name: { $in: [ /tom/i, /harry/i ] }}

to python3 it gives

        '$match': {
            'name': {
                '$in': [
                    re.compile(r"tom(?i)"), re.compile(r"harry(?i)")

I have not tested the above, so I hope it works.

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