Update specific object in array document mongodb

Hi There,

I need help to update specific object in array.

I have two documents in my mongodb

            "name":"test mdia",
            "name":"Test MDIA",
            "name":"Test MDIA 2",
            "name":"Test MDIA 3",
            "name":"Test MDIA 4",
            "name":"Test MDIA  5",

The first document content one audience but the second has 4 audiences.
And i want to add these fields (isdeleted = true and deletedDate = new Date()) in audiences array.

            "name":"OFFER_MDIA LMIT",

I create a script in nodejs like this

var dbo = db.db("myDatabase");

      $unwind: "$audiences"
      $addFields: {
        qualify: {
          $cond: {
            if: {
              $lte: [
                  $dateAdd: {
                    startDate: "$audiences.startDate",
                    unit: "day",
                    amount: "$audiences.audience.membershipDuration"
            then: true,
            else: false
    { $match: 
        {$and: [
                {qualify: true}
.forEach(function(doc) {
  dbo.collection("customer").updateOne({ _id: doc._id, audiences : doc.audiences }, 
    { $set: { 'audiences.$[0].isDeleted':true, 'audiences.$[].deletedDate':new Date() } }, 
    { multi: true },
    function(err, obj){

but when the audiences array content 2 items, the update is not working.
Someone can help me please ?


A few things.

1 - You should try to $match first before altering the documents. You have better chance to hit an index if any exists.

2 - I understand your $match involves a computed field from $addFields, but you should compute that field directly in your $match without altering the documents.

3 - You can $match into an array without $unwind.

4 - Rather than calling updateOne for each documents you should use bulkWrite to reduce the round trips to the server.

5 - You could leverage the flexible schema nature of mongo by combining isDeleted and deletedDate into a single field. deletedDate null or missing means it is not deleted, that would save storage.

6 - Take a look at $map which allows you to modify all elements of an array. You would need an expression that uses $mergeObjects. The last stage of your aggregation could then be a $merge to write back the documents into the original collection without even downloading any documents on the client.


Hi @steevej,

thanks for your reply.
I tried with bulkwrite, map and mergeObjects is not working

Can you help me please, i’m new in mongodb

  var dbo = db.db("audienceSharing");
      $unwind: "$audiences"
      $addFields: {
        qualify: {
          $cond: {
            if: {
              $lte: [
                  $dateAdd: {
                    startDate: "$audiences.startDate",
                    unit: "day",
                    amount: "$audiences.audience.membershipDuration"
            then: true,
            else: false
    { $match: 
        {$and: [
                {qualify: true}
          filter: doc._id,
                'audiences.deletedDate':new Date() 
          "upsert": false

I used $map and $mergeObject is not working when the arrays contents more one items.

// Connection URI
const url = process.env.uri;

MongoClient.connect(url, function(err, db) {
  if (err) throw err;
  var dbo = db.db("audienceSharing");
      $unwind: "$audiences"
      $addFields: {
        qualify: {
          $cond: {
            if: {
              $lte: [
                  $dateAdd: {
                    startDate: "$audiences.startDate",
                    unit: "day",
                    amount: "$audiences.audience.membershipDuration"
            then: true,
            else: false
    { $match: 
        {$and: [
                {qualify: true}
    _id:doc._id, audiences:doc.audiences
                  $eq: [ "$$audience", doc.audiences]
                      "isDeleted" : true,
                      "deletedDate": new Date()
  function(err, obj){

I need your help

You still $unwind despite

You still $addFields despite

You still use
