Unable to read data from Realm from ViewModel

The realm instance is created like shown below:

suspend fun getRealm(): Realm {
        val groupId = sessionManager.getGroupId().first()
        if (config == null) {
            config = SyncConfiguration.Builder(getRealmAppInstance().currentUser(), groupId)
        return Realm.getInstance(config!!)

Using the above instance throughout the app.

The below function is in the viewmodel which reads from realm, but it returns empty but data is present in the database.

fun getBpData(){
        viewModelScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) {
            val userId = sessionManager.getPrimaryUserId().first()
            if (userId != null) {
                val realmConfig = RealmConfig(sessionManager)
                realmConfig.getRealm()?.let {
                    val bpDataDao = BpDataDao(it)
                    val bpData = bpDataDao.getByUserId(userId)
                    // Check if data is not null
                    bpData?.let { bp ->
                        val format = SimpleDateFormat("dd/mm/yyyy")
                        bp.createdAt?.let { createdDate ->
                            // Format and udpate UI for date
                            val strDate = format.format(createdDate)
                            // Change scope to Main and update UI.
                            withContext(Dispatchers.Main) {
                                // Add values to UI using Mutable Live data.
                                selectedDate.value = strDate
                                systolic.value = bp.sys ?: ""
                                diastolic.value = bp.dia ?: ""
                                pulse.value = bp.pulse ?: ""


We are able to write to database but how to read from the database?

@Meghana_Rohith : Welcome to the Realm Community.

To read data from database you can use where query keyword, something like this. If can share your write function might be able to help little more.

The write function is as below:

fun createBpEntry(bpLog: BPLog) {
        viewModelScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) {
            // Create DAO object using realm
            RealmConfig(sessionManager).getRealm()?.let {
                val bpDataDao = BpDataDao(it)
                val groupId = sessionManager.getGroupId().first()
                val userId = sessionManager.getPrimaryUserId().first()
                if (!groupId.isNullOrBlank() && !userId.isNullOrBlank()) {
                    // Create new BP data object rom BPLog
                    val bpData = bpData(
                        userId = userId,
                        groupId = groupId,
                        isManual = true,
                        createdAt = Date(),
                        dia = bpLog.diastolic,
                        pulse = bpLog.heartRate,
                        sys = bpLog.systolic,
                        ihb = "0"
                    // Add new entry for BP

@Meghana_Rohith : Thanks for sharing the same. As mentioned earlier you can use where clause to find the data with the user.

Something like :