Unable to install Mongo 6.0.6 on RHEL9 ARM based system

Hi everyone,
I tried to install Mongo 6 on a Alma 9 ARM based architecture.
I followed the installation guide for Mongo 6 on Red hat

I already changed the baseurl to target the arm RPM into the /etc/yum.repos.d/mongodb-org-6.0.repo like the following:

name=MongoDB Repository

When I try to run sudo yum install -y mongodb-org the following error message appear:

And in the mongo RPM repository for RHEL9 and ARM https://repo.mongodb.org/yum/redhat/9/mongodb-org/6.0/aarch64/RPMS/ there is no mongodb-org-tools-6.0.x-1.el9.aarch64 available.

Am i missing a step somewhere ?

Thanks in advance for anyone willing to provide help.


I see the mongodb-database-tools is in the arm64 repo. Could you try adding that repo and see if it resolves this dependency?

Alternatively you could just install the component you need.

  • mongodb-org-server for mongod aka the database server
  • mongodb-org-mongos for mongos the shard router
  • mongosb-mongosh for the shell cli.

Then try a manual install of the mongodb tools if you need them on that host specifically.

Not sure what why database tools is in a different repo, but that or the documentation would be good to update(it doesn’t cover the arm repo as it is either)

Thank you for the answer.

I didn’t see that there was an arm64 repository, but it only contains the mongodb-database-tools so it’s still not automatic.
For everyone with a similar issue you’ll have to download manually the mongodb-database-tools RPM and install it on the server:

sudo yum install  mongodb-database-tools-<version>.arm64.rpm

Then you target the aarch64 into the yum repository here /etc/yum.repos.d/mongodb-org-6.0.repo with:

name=MongoDB Repository

And now that the mongodb-database-tools are installed you can simply install the mongodb server with sudo yum install -y mongodb-org

If someone know where we can ask the mongodb team if it is possible to add every dependancies package into the aarch64 or the arm64 RPM Index, it would greatly improve the mongodb 6 installation on any RHEL ARM based architecture.

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No arm platform for testing this. But I thought adding this second repo would automatically resolve this dependency.

This does seem like a packaging bug on database tools, https://jira.mongodb.org/ .

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I did not thought at that and it worked like a charm I have now here /etc/yum.repos.d/mongodb-org-6.0.repo the following input:

name=MongoDB Repository

name=MongoDB Repository

I don’t know if there is a better way to do this, but now with just the sudo yum install -y mongodb-org command everything got installed just fine.
Thanks you @chris for answering.

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Whew, thanks for checking. Restoring my faith in my RPM knowledge!

@Kyllian_Chartrain Did you create a JIRA ?

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yes I just did, here is the link: https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/TOOLS-3309 if you want to follow it.

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Hi @Kyllian_Chartrain , thank you for reporting this issue! This should have already been fixed with the release of Database Tools v100.7.2.


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