Unable to create Index on Mongo Version 4.4.18

Unable to create Index on Mongo Version 4.4.18 on Ubuntu even for small collections
db.currentop() shows as below.

Neither getting error Nor Index being created .

Could someone help on this???

Hello @Geetha_M ,

Welcome to The MongoDB Community Forums! :wave:

I notice you haven’t had a response to this topic yet - were you able to find a solution?
As per the documentation, the waitingForLatch document is only available if the operation is waiting to acquire an internal locking primitive (a.k.a. a latch) or for an internal condition to be met.

“waitingForLatch” : {
“timestamp” : ISODate(“2023-01-27T07:01:57.013Z”),
“captureName” : “IndexBuilds Coordinator::_mutex”


Output Field Description
timestamp The date and time at which the operation started to wait.
captureName The internal name of the section where the operation is currently blocked.

This shows that the index creation command is being executed. Could you share below details for us to understand your use-case better?

  • Your createIndex command
  • Output for db.collection.stats()
  • Is this the first time you are building an index on this collection or is it failing for the first time and index creation was successful before?
  • What is your deployment topology?
  • Hardware specifications
  • Share whole response for db.currentop()
  • Check for errors in MongoDB logs
  • Check the system resources, like memory and disk space, to make sure there’s enough available to create the index.
