Unable to create advanced terraform cluster due to duplicate error

The Mongodb provider for terraform during apply deployment fails to understand that if a project is already created and configured, simply ignore it.

I keep getting duplicate 400 errors for my subsequent requests to Atlas if the first run fails. How do I resolve this?

error creating MongoDB ClusterAdvanced: POST https://cloud.mongodb.com/api/atlas/v1.5/groups/123/clusters: 400 (request "DUPLICATE_CLUSTER_NAME") A cluster or serverless instance named test-cluster is already present in group 123.

│resource "mongodbatlas_advanced_cluster" "atlas-cluster" {
  project_id = mongodbatlas_project.atlas-project.id
  name = "${var.atlas_project_name}-cluster"
  cluster_type = "REPLICASET"
  backup_enabled = true
  mongo_db_major_version = var.mongodb_version
  replication_specs {
    region_configs {
      electable_specs {
        instance_size = var.cluster_instance_size_name
        node_count    = 3
      analytics_specs {
        instance_size = var.cluster_instance_size_name
        node_count    = 1
      priority      = 7
      provider_name = var.cloud_provider
      region_name   = var.atlas_region