Unable to connect in mongodb compass app

I followed the steps in the video carefully but got an error message when trying to connect to the compass app

How can I resolve this issue?

Your hostname srarts with mflix but this course is about mongodb basics
Which course video are you referring to?

The screenshots show old style of connecting to Compass
Use SRV connect string method

Solved!! Added an IP address to the IP access list using Thank you for reaching out to help

I followed the steps in the video, but when accessing, I get an error

Did you replace “dbname” in your connect string with appropriate dbname?

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You I entered the command in the file editing area. You have to type the command in the terminal area. If you are unsure which area is area, I recommend that you revise the lesson where the IDE is presented.

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Could you tell me what I did wrong?

You entered the command mongo … in the file editing area. In your screenshot it is a tab that says connection_instructions.txt. This is a file, this is not the area where you enter commands. You enter commands in the terminal area. In your screenshot it is a tab with the label Terminal 0. If you are still unsure which area is which, I recommend that you revise the lesson where the IDE is presented.


Yes, after spending a long time, I wanted to try doing it there and, surprise, it ended up being the simplest answer, thank you