Unable to connect 0 - Server selection error

Hey everyone ! I am having a problem I attached to my screenshot. I am using Golang for interacting with the MongoDb but I am having server selection error I don’t know why. I tried everything even adding my ip in Whitelist ,Network access, Turning off the firewall everything I did to get over this problem but still getting the same error my connection link is also correct. Could any body help me out of this problem?

Thanks any help will be appreciated greatly

Hello @Gamming_N_A, welcome to the MongoDB Community forum!

You may want to include the code you are trying to connect to the MongoDB server and a clear copy of the error message (may be as formatted text)

Also, see the topic on Getting Started at MongoDB Blog: Quick Start: Golang & MongoDB - Starting and Setup.

Are you able to connect to the server via mongo shell or Compass?

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Thank you soo much Prasad_Saya it is solved.