Trace transfers

Given is a collection of swaps with a maker (the seller) and taker (the buyer). The query below groups maker and taker into a wallet and calculates the realized profit & loss. I’d like to add a kind of wallet tracer. Meaning I like to trace token transfers from one wallet to another. Let me give you an example:

  1. wallet A buys 500 MAI tokens (taker)
  2. wallet A tranfers 100 MAI tokens to wallet B
  3. wallet B transfers 50 MAI tokens to wallet C
  4. wallet C sells 50 MAI tokens (maker)

In this case I’d like to add a field to the result of wallet A with the address of wallet B and C as wallet A was the initial buyer of the tokens. To accomplish this I have a second collection holding all token transfers. In this collection the field “from” is the sender and the field “to” is the receiver. I attached a few examples of the swaps and transfers collections below. Can someone please help my with this? Is $graphLookup the right choice?

      $match: {
         'tokenOut.address': '0x24d73bca2bd9c3a61e99dfc7cb86d3c379ebded7',
      $project: {
         _id: 0,
         wallet: '$taker',
         amountSpent: '$amountWETH',
         amountBought: '$amountOut',
         token: '$tokenOut'
      $unionWith: {
         coll: 'swaps',
         pipeline: [
               $match: {
                  'tokenIn.address': '0x24d73bca2bd9c3a61e99dfc7cb86d3c379ebded7',
               $project: {
                  _id: 0,
                  wallet: '$maker',
                  amountEarned: '$amountWETH',
                  amountSold: '$amountIn',
                  token: '$tokenIn'
      // skip document if more tokens was sold then actually bought
      // note: wallet may received Airdrop or bought on CEX and couldn't therefore be tracked properly
      $match: { 
         $expr: {
            $gte: [ '$amountBought', '$amountSold' ]
      $addFields: {
         wallet: '$_id',
      // ROI: (100 / amountSpent) * (amountEarned - amountSpent)
      realizedPnL: {
         $multiply: [
         { $divide: [ 100, '$amountSpent' ] },
         { $subtract: [ '$amountEarned', '$amountSpent' ] }
      // sort documents by PnL
      $sort: {
         realizedPnL: -1,

swaps collection

    "_id": "657f173c3071c0e91902a00a",
    "amountIn": 2105.8161971032937,
    "amountOut": 3.3154016349661806,
    "amountWETH": 3.3154016349661806,
    "maker": "0x9621b895f62470c8dc953f293c3fe87a64152219",
    "taker": "0xdb5889e35e379ef0498aae126fc2cce1fbd23216",
    "tokenIn": {
      "address": "0x24d73bca2bd9c3a61e99dfc7cb86d3c379ebded7",
      "symbol": "MAI",
      "decimals": 18
    "tokenOut": {
      "address": "0xc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2",
      "symbol": "WETH",
      "decimals": 18
    "_id": "657f173c3071c0e91902a016",
    "amountIn": 3161.1238328630093,
    "amountOut": 4.948696292258826,
    "amountWETH": 4.948696292258826,
    "maker": "0xe7fb0c4cd91fbe5fb962b54de63e360095032a9c",
    "taker": "0xdb5889e35e379ef0498aae126fc2cce1fbd23216",
    "tokenIn": {
      "address": "0x24d73bca2bd9c3a61e99dfc7cb86d3c379ebded7",
      "symbol": "MAI",
      "decimals": 18
    "tokenOut": {
      "address": "0xc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2",
      "symbol": "WETH",
      "decimals": 18
    "_id": "657f173c3071c0e91902a020",
    "amountIn": 1203.883502154729,
    "amountOut": 1.8614844473732222,
    "amountWETH": 1.8614844473732222,
    "maker": "0xcc7935227c5c6aee6903cc59f1c8834780f27420",
    "taker": "0xcc7935227c5c6aee6903cc59f1c8834780f27420",
    "tokenIn": {
      "address": "0x24d73bca2bd9c3a61e99dfc7cb86d3c379ebded7",
      "symbol": "MAI",
      "decimals": 18
    "tokenOut": {
      "address": "0xc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2",
      "symbol": "WETH",
      "decimals": 18
    "_id": "657f173e3071c0e91902a039",
    "amountIn": 639.7375984833882,
    "amountOut": 0.9867166261032863,
    "amountWETH": 0.9867166261032863,
    "maker": "0x71476002ab320540eff63662e010a5163911a8ea",
    "taker": "0xdb5889e35e379ef0498aae126fc2cce1fbd23216",
    "tokenIn": {
      "address": "0x24d73bca2bd9c3a61e99dfc7cb86d3c379ebded7",
      "symbol": "MAI",
      "decimals": 18
    "tokenOut": {
      "address": "0xc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2",
      "symbol": "WETH",
      "decimals": 18
    "_id": "657f173e3071c0e91902a03a",
    "amountIn": 95.9218563542534,
    "amountOut": 0.14741272757997212,
    "amountWETH": 0.14741272757997212,
    "maker": "0x472f9decd796520ed2e306ace14af590e393b16f",
    "taker": "0x472f9decd796520ed2e306ace14af590e393b16f",
    "tokenIn": {
      "address": "0x24d73bca2bd9c3a61e99dfc7cb86d3c379ebded7",
      "symbol": "MAI",
      "decimals": 18
    "tokenOut": {
      "address": "0xc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2",
      "symbol": "WETH",
      "decimals": 18

transfer collection

      "from": "0x472f9decd796520ed2e306ace14af590e393b16f",
      "to": "0x9621b895f62470c8dc953f293c3fe87a64152219",
      "amount": 2105.8161971032937
      "from": "0xdb5889e35e379ef0498aae126fc2cce1fbd23216",
      "to": "0xcc7935227c5c6aee6903cc59f1c8834780f27420",
      "amount": 3161.1238328630093

$graphLookup seems like the right choice but I’m a bit confused about how you would track if A transfers 50 to B and C transfers 50 to B and now B transfers 100 to D then D transfers 50 to E and 50 to F… are you intending to track A and C both all the way to both E and F? Or are all tokens not interchangeable and you can tell which tokens went where?