There is no way of getting back to the last page or switching to other page if we visit detail page of any topic

Attached sceenshot illustrates the use case. If I have to go to exact previous page where I can see the list of new topics, I can’t do that. I will need to click on MongoDB logo and then going again to the New section. From the usability prespective, giving back arrow is good option. isn’t it?

Just sharing as I caught it and felt like it would be good option.

Either back button or having that homepage menu on all other pages can improve this.

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@viraj_thakrar Thanks for the suggestion.

This is the same request discussed on Easily Return to Previous Page. One available option is the u keyboard shortcut (go back to previous page). There are a few other tips in the earlier discussion.



Thank you @Stennie_X.

I have searched through the older topics before posting this but didn’t realize it was already there.

Yes I found that shortcuts list which can make things really easy.

Thanks :slight_smile:

And also, did you try the “hamburger” menu?

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