The journey of #100DaysOfCode (@Darine_Tleiss)

100daysofcode - Day87

Hello friends, :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: a new day is here, and our daily dose of knowledge is ready as usual. With a lot of new topics in the UI UX industry. :partying_face:

Today’s post will be an informative and funny way where will learn about the information architecture. :exploding_head:

What is information architecture? :dizzy:

Information architecture (IA) is the art and science of organizing and labeling the content of websites, mobile applications, and other digital media software to help support usability and find ability.

What Is the Role of Information Architecture in Design? :thinking:

  • IA informs the content strategy, user interface design, and interaction design. Creating a content-first experience–considering content early on in design projects and letting it inform product design decisions–is a significant goal for many products. To achieve this, it’s important to ensure that IA forms the skeleton of the design project. The navigation between screens and pages along with the organization of content should help users find information and complete tasks with the least amount of effort invested.

What Are the Principles of Information Architecture? :nerd_face:

  • The Principle of Objects . Content should be treated as a living, breathing thing with a lifecycle, behaviors, and attributes.

  • The Principle of Choices . Pages that are created should offer meaningful choices to the user. All choices should be focused on a specific action to avoid overwhelming the user with too many choices.

  • The Principle of Disclosures . Limiting the information a user sees at one time will allow them to better absorb the information presented.

  • The Principle of Exemplars . Contents of a category should be described by showing examples of that content.

  • The Principle of Front Doors . Assume that at least half of users will not enter through the ‘front door’ or your home page. This means every page should include enough information so the user can understand where they are.

  • The Principle of Multiple Classification . Ensure that there are different ways a user can browse content on your site.

  • The Principle of Focused Navigation. Navigation should be focused, meaning what they contain has more importance than how they look.

  • The Principle of Growth. Assume that content on the site will continue to grow.


100daysofcode - Day88

Hello friends :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:, a new day is here and a lot of new progress is here. The amazing world of UI UX have a lot of topics and my mission to explain them to you one by one on a daily basis. :dizzy:

Today we will talk about the 10 rule every user experience engineer should know them. :star_struck:

  1. UX is not :x: (only) UI : Swapping UX with UI design, as if the two are the same, is a common mistake among many designers. It’s essential to understand the difference between the two disciplines. In short, User Interface the space where interactions between humans and a product occur, while User Experience is an emotional outcome after interactions with a product.

  2. Know your audience :busts_in_silhouette: : It should come as no surprise that one of the most important factors you should consider when designing a product is the audience. If you plan to design a product your users will love, you must have an idea of what your audience actually wants and needs

  3. You are not the user :bust_in_silhouette: : Designers often assume that people who will use their interfaces are like them. As a result, designers project their behaviors and reactions onto users. But thinking that you are your user is a fallacy. This effect in psychology is called the false-consensus — a tendency to assume that others share our beliefs and will behave similarly in a given context.

  4. Adapt design for short attention spans : Designers should simplify interfaces by removing unnecessary elements or content that does not support user tasks. One technique that allows designers to achieve that is functional minimalism. At the same time, this doesn’t mean that experiences should be limited. All information should be valuable and relevant.

  5. The UX process isn’t set in stone : UX process is a make-it-or-break-it aspect of UX design. Without a solid UX process, a designer could be completely moving in the dark. A clear and concise UX development process, on the other hand, makes it possible to craft amazing experiences for users.

  6. Prototype before you build a real product :page_facing_up: : Skipping prototyping and putting a lot of effort into building an actual product is another common (and dangerous) mistake among many design teams. When we put a lot of effort into creating something that we believe is great, it can be really stressful to realize that our solution doesn’t work as expected when we release it into the wild.

  7. Use real content when designing :hamburger: : Almost every product is based around content, whether that’s text, images, or videos. It can be said that design is an enhancement to the content. Yet many designers don’t take content into account during the design phase — they use Lorem Ipsum instead of real copy and placeholders instead of real images. While such design might look great on a designer’s artboard, the picture might be completely different when the same design is filled with actual data.

  8. Keep things simple and consistent :blush: : In the context of digital products, simplicity means that’s it’s easy to understand and interact with a product. Your users shouldn’t need to read instructions to understand how to use an app or have a map to navigate through it. It’s part of your job as an interface designer to make things clear and subtly guide them from where they are to where they need to go.

  9. Recognition over recall :fire: : Due to the limitations of human memory, designers should ensure users can automatically recognize how to use certain features of their product instead of making them recall this information. Strive to minimize cognitive load by making information and interface functions visible and easily accessible.

  10. Don’t try to solve a problem yourself : As Lyndon Johnson once said, “There are no problems we cannot solve together, and very few that we can solve by ourselves.” Great user experiences are a result of collaboration between designers and developers, stakeholders, and users. There’s no such thing as a “solo genius.” When designing, you need to work with as many people as possible to get their ideas, insights, and thoughts on your work.


100daysofcode - Day89

Hello friends :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:, our amazing counter is incrementing and the daily dose is ready. :star_struck:

Today the post, is special, where we will talk about the benefits from learning UX design and joining such amazing industry. :dizzy:

1- You’ll learn more than just design skills. :hugs:

  • What is UX design, exactly? As a discipline, UX design is a combination of methods and tools that allows designers to solve real problems and craft functional, reliable, and enjoyable products.

  • Although each design process is specific to the project, there are a few essential steps that they share:

    1. Research : learning about the user and business needs, and finding a problem to solve

    2. Ideation : forming a hypothesis about how to solve the problem

    3. Prototyping : creating a prototype or a fully-fledged solution

    4. Testing : validating a prototype or a fully-fledged solution with users

    5. Empathy : UX design is the art and science of solving a user’s problems. Before creating something, designers need to know what problem they’re solving and for whom. When you understand the people you design for, your designs become much more powerful.

    6. Communication : Most designers work within a team, so you’ll likely communicate with a lot of different people, including developers, marketing specialists, and other designers. You’ll have to learn how to work together, share ideas, and communicate well.

2- You can make an impact on someone’s life. :people_hugging:

  • Design doesn’t exist for engineers or stakeholders; it exists for people who use a product. That’s why the most important thing about user experience design is its user-centric approach.

  • This user-centric approach puts people at the heart of the design process. User research and usability testing are integral parts of what UI/UX designers do as part of this process and will help you determine your project requirements. In doing so, you have the opportunity to make a big impact on the way people do everyday things.

3- You will drive business growth. :chart_with_upwards_trend:

  • There’s also a direct correlation between user experience and a product’s success in the marketplace. When your users have a great user experience, they’re more likely to continue using the product and recommend it to others.

4- Your earning potential will increase. :money_mouth_face:

  • High demand for UX designers has also increased the average paycheck. Today, the U.S. median for a UX designer salary is $85,000 :moneybag: per year, while seasoned designers can earn up to $128,000 per year.

100daysofcode - Day90

Today I’m so happy and grateful sharing with you my new accomplishment :partying_face:. A fully packaged course targeting Figma published today on Udemy. With more than 10h of content you will master Figma – The Design tool, by doing 4+ complete projects that will take your Design journey from Zero to Hero.:muscle:t3:
Link to the course :arrow_down:


It was a long and amazing journey, with a lot of planning, preparations, records, editing. Yeah full of fun and excitement aiming always to rock this journey with the amazing people that love to master Figma :sparkles:


100daysofcode - Day91

Hello folks :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:, a new day is here, the journey is reaching it’s end. We have only 9 days left in this amazing journey. As everyday a new topic will be discovered in the amazing world of UI / UX. :dizzy:

Today we will talk about usability testing in UI/UX. :fire:

What is Usability Testing? :thinking:

Usability testing is the practice of testing how easy a design is to use with a group of representative users. It usually involves observing users as they attempt to complete tasks and can be done for different types of designs. It is often conducted repeatedly, from early development until a product’s release.

How usability Testing Leads to the Right Products :muscle:

  1. Determine whether testers can complete tasks successfully and independently .

  2. Assess their performance and mental state as they try to complete tasks, to see how well your design works.

  3. See how much users enjoy using it.

  4. Identify problems and their severity .

  5. Find solutions .

Usability Testing is an Iterative Process :relieved:

  1. Plan
    a. Define what you want to testb. Decide how to conduct your test

  2. Set user tasks
    a. Prioritize the most important tasks to meet objectives
    b. Clearly define tasks with realistic goals
    c. Create scenarios where users can try to use the design naturally

  3. Recruit testers

  4. Facilitate/Moderate testing


100daysofcode - Day92

Hello folks, a counter increment, and a new topic in the world of UI/UX is discovered. Let’s keep rocking this journey out by taking a new dose of knowledge on a daily basis. Yesterday we talked about Usability testing, while today we will move on to dive in the A/B testing.

What is A/B testing ?

  • A/B testing is a user experience research methodology. A/B tests consist of a randomized experiment with two variants, A and B. It includes application of statistical hypothesis testing or “two-sample hypothesis testing” as used in the field of statistics

Why is A/B Testing Important in UX ?

  • A/B testing allows you to base your product design decisions on data rather than on an opinion or a guesswork. It both democratizes design and allows your users to participate in your decision-making.
  • A/B testing can help you learn how small changes influence user behavior, decide which approach towards design to implement, and confirms that a new design is going in the right direction.
  • Using A/B testing for different elements of your digital product will also improve the overall user experience over time, as well as increase your conversion.

How to perform an A/B test?

  1. Step 1: Research
  2. Step 2: Observe and formulate hypothesis
  3. Step 3: Create variations
  4. Step 4: Run test
  5. Step 5: Analyse results and deploy changes

100daysofcode - Day93

Hello friends :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:, a new day is coming with a lot of fun, knowledge, and new things to share. It’s the 93 and only 7 :exploding_head: days left, so let make them a special final week.

Yesterday we talked about A/B testing, how it improve the UI/UX process and how to implement it. :fire:

Today we will move on to discover user feedback and how to take it in a professional way. :muscle:

User Feedback ? :thinking:

  • Whether you’re designing a new product or improving an existing product, you need to understand the people who use it. Why do they use it? What do they use it for? Where are the interaction touchpoints, and where is there unnecessary friction?
  • User feedback is an essential part of the product design process and an integral part of user research as a whole. Without that direct feedback, it’s difficult to know what works for your users and what does not.

10 best practices for collecting relevant and useful user feedback :trophy:

  • Define your objectives

    1. Consider business goals: What do you want to achieve with this product? What features are essential to this? What kind of feedback do you need to achieve your goals? What problems can you potentially solve with the right feedback?

    2. Consider user goals: What will users try to achieve with your product? What motivates them to use your product? What features will truly deliver value to the users? What kind of feedback do you need to learn about your users and what they need?

  • Frame your questions and metrics

    1. Don’t overwhelm users with too many questions

    2. Evaluate every question

    3. Avoid leading questions.

  • Find the right people

    1. Practice user-centered design

    2. Segment your users into meaningful groups

    3. Use special user feedback tools for recruiting participants.

  • Ask for feedback at every stage

    1. Feedback during the prototyping stage

    2. Feedback during regular usage

  • Consider your communication channels

    1. One-to-one interviews

    2. In-app or on-site feedback

    3. Emails

    4. Usability testing

    5. Social media feedback

  • Solicit on-demand feedback : Requesting feedback is one thing, but you’ll find that some users will reach out to you proactively as well. This might be to complain about a specific feature, ask for a change, or even suggest a new feature.

  • Back up your findings with data

    1. Use analytics tools to analyze user activity.

    2. Record user sessions.

    3. Create heatmaps.

  • Gather feedback regularly : Getting user feedback should not be a one-time activity. Things change quickly in product design; new trends emerge every day, and feedback that you’ve received in the past can quickly become outdated

  • Analyze and act : there’s no point asking users to provide feedback if you don’t turn it into action. To do this, you’ll need to start by categorizing and prioritizing the data you’ve gathered.

  • Create feedback loops

    1. Users are more motivated to provide feedback

    2. You can validate your product design decisions.


100daysofcode - Day94

Hello guys :hugs:, a new day is up and our daily counter is incrementing and from one day to another more topics are targeted and discovered. :dizzy:

Today we will talk about the best practices to present a design to your stack-holders. :fire:

1- Know your audience

In order to deliver an effective presentation, you need to meet your audience wherever they are. A few questions to consider, to set yourself up for success

  • Who are you presenting to?

  • Do they have much design knowledge?

  • How much do they know about the project already?

  • What do they expect to get out of this presentation?

  • What are their expectations of the project?

2- Structure your presentation in a simple and visually engaging way

  • Include an executive summary — it should be short, not too technical, not too vague, with enough information about the context, challenges and goals of the project.

  • Structure your presentation in a logical manner — clarify what you’ll be covering during this session and what the overall goal is.

  • Avoid large chunks of text — simplify, add visuals, and make the content easily digestible by breaking it down into several slides.

  • Finalize with feedback and questions, and next steps.

3- Collect feedback

  • Do not ask for feedback before you justify your design decision. Do that first.

  • Ask questions that direct your audience towards the goals of the project, e.g. “How do you think this solution meets our goal of increasing engagement?”

4- Record your presentation

  • Present your design concepts even when you are unable to meet synchronously.

  • Communicate your decisions clearly to stakeholders who were unable to attend that specific session.

  • Allow everyone, including those who attended, to review and reflect on the information you presented.

5- Make your presentation engaging and interactive

  • Add animations and motion. Animations are not just meant to make your slides fancy; they can direct attention, illustrate a specific concept, and reduce cognitive load by introducing your content progressively.

  • Make it interactive . An interactive presentation is one where everyone is able to participate and feel part of it. This can be achieved with prompts, questions and even ice breakers when appropriate.

6- Show practical examples and scenarios through storytelling

  • Who’s the hero of your story?

  • How does your solution help the hero achieve their goal? What’s in it for them?

  • What does it look like when the hero achieves their goal? If you’re telling a story from your user’s point of view, feel free to use scenarios and examples.


100daysofcode - Day95

Hello friends :hugs:, a new day is reaching the end, And ONLY 5 :dizzy_face: days are left in this amazing journey.

Today and as usual, a lot of UX/UI stuffs are targeted and for now we will talk about, the 5 common career paths in the user experience industry. :exploding_head:

1- The management career path

  • The management career path is probably the one that is most familiar when we think about career progression. As you gain more experience as a UX designer, there are usually opportunities to lead projects and teams, and eventually become a formal manager. This usually means taking on people management responsibilities (e.g. hiring, performance evaluation, supporting career development), and often also means taking on leadership responsibilities such as budgets and timelines.

Pros :white_check_mark::

  • Leadership of teams and projects
  • Can be rewarding to support team member growth and career development
  • Typically very well compensated at senior levels
  • Opportunity to influence business decisions and strategy

Cons :x::

  • Limited (if any) hands on design work, often become further from the craft of design
  • People leadership is a serious responsibility, that often means you are starting over learning a new set of skills
  • Can be a high stress, high responsibility role depending on the organisation and team

2- The individual contributor career path

  • The individual contributor career path is one where you continue to gain seniority in your role, without taking on people management responsibilities. (Also sometimes referred to as a ‘technical’, ‘subject matter expert’ or ‘craft’ track.) This is a popular path for designers who want to continue to deepen their craft, stay practice oriented, and continue to do design work in their day to day. Over time, this path leads to roles like ‘Staff UX Designer’ or Principal Designer’.

Pros :white_check_mark::

  • Stay close to the craft and continue to do hands on design work
  • Opportunities to build deep expertise and become a leading practitioner
  • Typically well-compensated at senior levels (depending on the organization)

Cons :x::

  • Not all organizations are well set up to accommodate for this role
  • Pressure to contribute at high levels of expertise and knowledge
  • Sometimes not compensated at the same levels as the people leadership track

3- The freelancer or solo consultant career path

  • Designers often come to the freelancer or solo consultant career path after building up experience and a network, or perhaps freelancing on the side of a full time job. Freelance UX work is often project based, and relies on having a strong network of clients and prospects. Solo UX consultants are similar to freelancers but often work on higher value or more strategic projects, with freelancers tending to be more executional.

Pros :white_check_mark::

  • High level of control over the type of work you take on
  • Lots of variety and different project work
  • Can mean a flexible schedule or the opportunity to shape how much you work

Cons :x::

  • Requires a lot of self discipline to create your own structure
  • Means running your own business and taking on overhead on things like taxes, invoicing, finding new clients

4- The specializing or related field career path

  • Many designers choose to specialize in a certain area of UX, or move into a related field. The knowledge and skills that UX Designers have translate well to other roles, and over time many designers find a niche that they want to explore further. The possibilities here are almost endless, however some common examples include becoming a UX researcher, moving into product management, or perhaps transitioning into teaching or academia.

Pros :white_check_mark::

  • Bringing UX skills and experience to another practice area
  • Opportunities to explore areas of interest and craft your own path
  • Development of a ‘T shaped’ design skill with a broad understanding of UX and a deep specialisation in a related area

Cons :x::

  • May mean not practicing design craft in your day to day
  • Can mean a lateral or even ‘downward’ step as you learn new skills
  • Depending on the field you choose, may have less earning potential or a different career structure/pathway

5- The entrepreneurial career path

  • The entrepreneurial career path can take many forms – broadly speaking this career path is starting a business. One common path is starting a design agency, and another founding a startup. This differs from the freelance or solo consultant path mainly in the scale of the business and size of the team.

Pros :white_check_mark::

  • Opportunity to build something from scratch, including a product or service, company culture, team
  • Very high earning potential with a successful business or eventually being acquired

Cons :x::

  • Can be highly financially risky and unpredictable as it can take time to build revenue
  • Tends to mean a lot of focus on building a business and less on craft and day to day design work

100daysofcode - Day96

Hi everyone :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:, the counter is incrementing and it’s about reaching the end. :pleading_face:

Today we will keep discovering and exploring more in UI/UX.
And now we will dive in a very important question, everyone around us may ask: Does UI/UX require coding ? :exploding_head:

Let’s start with the essential skills of a UX designer :white_check_mark:

  • Conduct thorough user research

  • Conduct competitive and comparative research and analysis

  • Build empathy through personas, storyboards, and scenarios

  • Implement quality visual design (UI)

  • Conduct usability tests

  • Create interactive wireframes and prototypes

  • Analyze user feedback

  • Use strong communication skills to articulate designs to all departments and stakeholders

  • Collaborate and work with teammates effectively

  • Read and understand analytics

Why would a designer learn to code? :sunglasses:

Do UX designers code? For many, the answer is YES

  • Most UX designers have at least a little understanding of code, including HTML, CSS, and Javascript. Other languages like Reach and Swift aren’t as important. It is best to leave coding to the experts, but there are some reasons why you should have a basic understanding of code:

    • It helps you communicate better with developers so you’re both speaking the same language.

    • It helps you remain realistic if you understand and appreciate the levels of implementation required by the developers to complete the design.

    • Knowing code is a great asset to your toolbox and makes you more marketable as an employee, especially in start-up settings where you might need to wear multiple hats.

What type of designers benefit most from learning to code? :thinking:

  • Designer A: The enthusiast
  • Designer B: The consultant
  • Designer C: The entrepreneur

So as a final answer, a good UX designer career success, is not related to their coding skills, but on the other hand having a basic understanding on how to code, with the minimal in demand technologies like HTML5, CSS3, JS … Can give the UX engineer a good opportunity to open more doors for them.


100daysofcode - Day97

Hello friends, :star_struck: a new day is here, so let’s make it a funny one by extending our knowledge to discover more. and more in the UI UX industry. :fire:

Today we will talk about some tips and tricks that will help any web developer transit to be a UI UX engineer. :sunglasses:

5 things to consider before making the move

  1. Consider your personality

  2. Read fundamental books about UX design

  3. Talk to people who have recently moved to UX design from other fields

  4. Observe the work of UX designers

  5. Be ready to spend time on learning and job hunting

10 things to do when moving to UX design

  1. Pick a specialization

  2. Find transferable skills

  3. Find design mentors

  4. Get educated

  5. Master your prototyping skills

  6. Get real practical experience

  7. Collect feedback on your work

  8. Create a portfolio

  9. Get connected

  10. Never stop learning

Moving from web development to UX design is not difficult. The good news is you already have a lot of skills you can use in the new field, and once you invest some time in learning and practicing UX design, you’ll be ready for the transition.


100daysofcode - Day98

Hello friends :sunglasses:, a counter increment and a new topic is explored. What an amazing journey filled of challenges, knowledge and consistency. :star_struck:

Today we will dive in the Voice User Interface (VUI) Design and it’s best practices. :dizzy:

What is the Voice User Interface ?

  • Voice user interface (VUI) is speech recognition technology that allows people to interact with a computer, smartphone or other device through voice commands . Apple’s Siri, Amazon’s Alexa, Google’s Assistant and Microsoft’s Cortana are prime examples of VUIs.

Best practices for designing VUIs

  • Keep it simple :

    • To begin with, don’t design your interface to be more complicated than necessary. When you’re creating voice interface software, there’s value in minimizing the steps or prompts between the initial query (“Hey Siri…”) and the answer your user seeks. Basically, keep it simple .
    • Because the user can’t visually see the path and the pattern like in a graphical user interface, where to start and where to go next should be as plain as possible
  • Keep it natural :

    • Speaking of frustration, it’s easy to take our interaction patterns, especially our spoken patterns, for granted. Yes, the user is talking to a computer, but it doesn’t have to be weird. Keep the interactions natural.
  • Keep it together :

    • The pace and progress of user-facing technology seems to accelerate every year. Computers can do many amazing things, but they do have limitations. Keep this in mind and use those constraints to your advantage. Design for a VUI that keeps its possibilities together.
  • Keep it goal-oriented :

    • Finally, so much of user-centered design can and should focus on the needs of the user first (or at the center). Just like a web search or a call to a restaurant for takeout, VUI designers should always try to keep the interactions brief and goal oriented.
    • To do this, focus on the general design practices of incorporating research-backed personas and user flows.

100daysofcode - Day99

Hello friends :star_struck:, Our 99th day is here, we have only one day left. What an amazing journey filled with knowledge, happiness and a lot of consistency. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Today we will talk about the the Main Pillars of Effective Design Systems. :fire:

The main pillars of a design system

1- Purpose and shared values

  • Right from the start it’s important to understand and align the design team with a set of clear goals. Where are you actually going, and why? Make sure the team understands the values of the brand or product in order to stick to the brand objectives. Not only will this keep consistency with the product, but it will also bring the designers together for a more cohesive group.

2- Design principles

  • Next you need to explore your design principles. What exactly are you wanting to make, and what should it look like? Put together guides on the purpose of the product to ensure your team really understands what you are creating, so they can make more meaningful design decisions

3- Brand language and identity

  • Essential elements of a style guide include colors, fonts, icons, shapes, animation, voice, the use of the company logo, and more. It’s important to document these, and establish rules and guidelines, so that teams use the right combination of elements.

4- Components

  • Components can be seen as LEGO blocks that are built out of all the other parts covered above. They’re the interface and UI elements – for example, call-to-action buttons, form fields, and checkboxes – that make up the heart of the design system. Created by designers and coded by developers, they minimize the effort required to build a product.

  • Components can be seen as LEGO blocks that are built out of all the other parts covered above. They’re the interface and UI elements – for example, call-to-action buttons, form fields, and checkboxes – that make up the heart of the design system. Created by designers and coded by developers, they minimize the effort required to build a product.

5- Patterns

  • Design patterns, meanwhile, are the building instructions or recommendations that you need to use the components effectively across all your products. Standardized patterns also create familiarity, which means things will be quicker and easier for users. It helps them understand your services and establishes trust.

Super happy to see your progress @Darine_Tleiss :clap: :partying_face:

Many Many Congratulations on making to the final day :muscle:

I hope you had a great time learning and sharing new things… :woman_technologist: :star_struck: Thank you so much for inspiring so many others… :blush:

Wish you all the best in all the things you do next… :four_leaf_clover: :heart:

Cheers, :performing_arts:


100daysofcode - Day100

Hi family :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:, hope all of you are doing great :hugs:, this will be my last check up on you guys :pleading_face:, today marks the last day of the 100daysofcode :exploding_head:, what a journey, what a 100 days. it was a journey filled with knowledge, success, and failure… :muscle: :relieved:

I started my journey with learning JavaScript moved to CSS and SASS,on the 11 of June i became a WOMAN TECHMAKER AMBASSADOR :star_struck:, on the 21 of June i GRADUATED as a Computer Scientist :woman_technologist:, on July second i did my first on site talk :microphone: which was in the google io extended event where i gave a talk about UI UX domain, after this session I decided to switch my content to discuss the UI UX field :sunglasses:, then learned some React JS, Aug 9 I was happy to announce to you that Figma chose me as a community advocate :avocado::partying_face:, Then moved back to UI UX, on the 21 of August i turned 21 year old :birthday: :balloon:, and lastly on the September 5 i launched my course targeting Figma published on Udemy :grin:. And ended my journey with some more information on UI UX. :fire:

After all of this success there was also lots failure :face_exhaling:, sadness :frowning_face:, exhaustion :tired_face:, everyday the imposter syndrome would come and give me a visit telling me i will not graduate, i will not achieve my dreams :pleading_face:. I would stay up for 4 am to simply finish editing my videos for the course and in the morning i used to film my content. Everyday I thought to myself i will never finish the 100daysofcode but look at me i really achieved all my goals. :blush:

What a roller coaster of feelings :roller_coaster:, it was really an awesome journey, i learned not only consistency :saluting_face: but how a very simple improvement every day can add a lot to our learning journey. :smiling_face:

Thankful to everyone who supported me and followed my daily posts :face_holding_back_tears:.
Special thanks to the MongoDB team :green_heart: who made this awesome community where people share knowledge, experience, and so much more. :sunglasses:

Thank you so much for everything,
Hope you have a great life and all your dreams and goals become true,

Darine Ali Tleiss


:tada: :confetti_ball:

Congratulations @Darine_Tleiss on completing the 100 days of code. Thank you for bringing us along on your journey and helping us to learn along with you.


Amazing @Darine_Tleiss :sparkles: :tada: :clap:

Congratulations on reaching your 100th day and sharing it throughout! :100:
I appreciate your diligence, consistency, and determination :clap:

Wish you all the best in your future endeavors :leaves:



WOW, Darine! What an incredible journey! Congratulations to you!


Congratulations @Darine_Tleiss, that’s so awesome :heart_eyes:.
That’s indeed a roller coaster ride :roller_coaster: .
All the best for your future endeavors, onwards and upwards :rocket: :rocket: :rocket:.


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