The .aggregate() method in Mongoose is a powerful tool for performing complex data aggregation operations on a MongoDB collection. Aggregation operations process data records and return computed results. In MongoDB, this is done using an aggregation pipeline, which is a series of stages that transform the data as it passes through them.
NPM (Node Package Manager) is a package manager for JavaScript and is the default package manager for Node.js. It helps developers share, reuse, and manage code by installing, updating, and managing packages or libraries in their projects.
Key Features of NPM:
Package Management: NPM provides access to a vast registry of open-source packages that you can easily integrate into your project. These packages can be dependencies like libraries or tools to help in the development process.
Dependency Management: NPM makes it easy to manage the dependencies of your project, ensuring that you have the right versions of the packages you need.
Versioning and Publishing: Developers can publish their own packages to the NPM registry, allowing others to use them. NPM also handles versioning, so you can specify which version of a package you want to use.
Basic Commands:
npm init: Initializes a new Node.js project and creates a package.json file, which holds metadata about the project and its dependencies.
npm install <package-name>: Installs a package and adds it to your projectโs dependencies.
npm start: Runs the startup script defined in your package.json.
npm publish: Publishes your package to the NPM registry.
NPM is widely used in the JavaScript ecosystem, especially in projects involving Node.js, React, Angular, and other JavaScript frameworks and libraries. In the coming days, I will be tackling some of the most important and widely used NPM packages for Node.js specifically.
Express is a minimalistic and flexible Node.js web application framework that simplifies the process of building web servers and APIs. As an npm package, Express provides a robust set of features for managing HTTP requests, routing, middleware, and more, making it a popular choice for developers working on web and mobile applications.
Brief Description:
Installation : You can easily install Express using npm (npm install express), which adds the package to your project and allows you to start building web servers.
Routing : Express allows you to define routes for different HTTP methods (GET, POST, etc.) and map them to specific URLs.
Middleware : The framework supports middleware functions, which can process requests, handle authentication, serve static files, and more.
Templating : Express supports various templating engines like Pug or EJS, enabling dynamic HTML generation.
RESTful APIs : Itโs widely used for creating RESTful APIs due to its simplicity and ease of integration with databases.
Flexibility : The package is highly unopinionated, allowing developers to structure their applications in a way that suits their needs.
Express is often chosen for its speed, ease of use, and extensive ecosystem of plugins and middleware, making it a go-to framework for both small projects and large-scale applications.
Nodemon is a tool that helps develop Node.js applications by automatically restarting the server whenever code changes are detected. It monitors the files in the project directory and restarts the application when it notices any changes. This is particularly useful during development, as it saves time by eliminating the need to manually stop and restart the server every time a change is made.
Nodemon is available as an npm package, and it can be easily integrated into your Node.js project. First, you need to install Nodemon using the command terminal: npm install nodemon. Use the flag --save-dev to save as a dev dependency or -g to save globally (for all future projects). Now, instead of running your express server using npm start index.js, u can say: nodemon index.js.
Benefits of Using Nodemon as an npm Package
Project-Specific : Installing Nodemon locally ensures that the exact version of Nodemon is used across different environments, which can prevent issues with global package versions.
Automated Server Restarts : Nodemon automatically restarts your application when it detects changes in your source code, making development faster and more efficient.
Easy Integration : Adding Nodemon to your npm scripts allows you to easily integrate it into your workflow without requiring additional commands.
Using Nodemon as an npm package is a common practice in Node.js development, especially for automating server restarts during the development process.
The dotenv package is an NPM (Node Package Manager) library used in Node.js applications to load environment variables from a .env file into process.env. This allows you to separate sensitive configuration data like API keys, database credentials, and other environment-specific settings from your codebase.
Key Features:
Environment Configuration : dotenv allows you to define environment variables in a .env file, which can be different for various environments (e.g., development, testing, production).
Security : Sensitive information is not hard-coded into the source code but stored securely in a separate file that is typically ignored by version control systems like Git.
Simplicity : Itโs easy to set up and use. You just need to install it and load it at the start of your application.
Bcrypt is a password-hashing function designed for secure password storage. It incorporates a salt to protect against rainbow table attacks and a work factor to make brute force attacks more difficult.
How Bcrypt Works:
Salting : Bcrypt generates a salt for each password, which is a random value added to the password before hashing. This ensures that even if two users have the same password, their hashes will be different.
Hashing : The salted password is hashed multiple times using a cryptographic algorithm, which makes it computationally expensive to crack.
Work Factor : Bcrypt includes a work
The bcrypt npm package is a popular library for hashing and verifying passwords in Node.js applications. It provides an easy-to-use interface for securely handling password hashing with Bcrypt.
Common Use Cases
User Authentication : Store hashed passwords in your database instead of plain text passwords.
Password Security : Protect passwords against brute-force and rainbow table attacks.
If youโre working on a Node.js project involving user authentication or password management, using bcrypt is a good practice to ensure password security.
The validator npm package is a popular library for validating and sanitizing strings in Node.js. Itโs commonly used to ensure that input data meets certain criteria, like checking if an email is valid, if a string contains only alphanumeric characters, or if a URL is properly formatted.
Commonly Used Methods
isEmail(str) : Checks if the string is a valid email.
isURL(str) : Checks if the string is a valid URL.
isNumeric(str) : Checks if the string contains only numeric characters.
isEmpty(str) : Checks if the string is empty.
isLength(str, { min, max }) : Checks if the stringโs length falls within the given range.
escape(str) : Escapes HTML characters in a string to prevent XSS attacks.
Custom Validators
You can also create custom validators by combining the built-in functions or writing your own logic.
This package is highly versatile and often used in form validation and API input validation scenarios.
The jsonwebtoken (jwt) npm package is commonly used for implementing JSON Web Token (JWT) authentication in Node.js applications.
Key Features ofjsonwebtoken:
Signing Tokens: You can sign tokens using a secret or a private key. This is useful for creating access tokens that clients will use to authenticate their requests to a server.
Verifying Tokens: The package provides methods to verify a tokenโs signature and validate the claims. This helps to ensure that the token is both authentic and unaltered.
Decoding Tokens: Allows you to decode the payload of a token without verifying its signature. This can be useful when you just need to access the payloadโs information.
Key Options:
expiresIn: Specifies the expiration time for the token, e.g., โ1hโ for one hour, โ2dโ for two days.
audience,issuer,subject,jwtid: Optional claims you can include in the token for additional validation.
Common Use Cases:
Authentication: JWTs are widely used to authenticate users in web applications.
Authorization: After successful authentication, JWTs can be used to authorize actions, ensuring users have the right permissions.
Data Exchange: JWTs can also be used to securely exchange information between parties, as they can be signed and verified.
This package is a crucial part of building secure and efficient authentication systems in Node.js applications.
Morgan is a popular HTTP request logger middleware for Node.js. Itโs often used in Express.js applications to log requests to the console or a log file. Morgan is highly configurable, allowing you to customize the format of the logs and choose different logging levels.
Nodemailer is a module for Node.js applications that makes it easy to send emails. It supports both plain text and HTML emails and can work with various transport protocols like SMTP, OAuth2, and even custom transports.
Transporter Options
You can create a transporter with various options:
service : A well-known email service to use, like โGmailโ, โYahooโ, etc.
port : Port to connect to (465 for secure connections).
secure : true for 465, false for other ports.
auth : Authentication credentials, usually an object with user and pass properties.
Nodemailer is a powerful tool for sending emails directly from your Node.js application, making it a great choice for building email notification systems, contact forms, and more.
We are half-way there! I want to thank everyone who has been following up with me through my journey in the 100daysofcode challenge. Be on the lookout for more interesting information coming out persistently! Today, I will talk about the Promisify function, a Node.js built-in tool in the util module.
Node.js provides a built-in utility function called promisify in the util module. Promisify refers to the process of converting a function that uses callbacks into a function that returns a promise. This is particularly useful when working with Node.js functions that follow the error-first pattern callback.
In this example, fs.readFile is a function that typically uses a callback to handle the result. By using util.promisify, you can convert it into a function that returns a promise, making it easier to work with using async/await or chaining .then() and .catch().
In the coming days, I will be tackling the most used Express framework methods.
In Node.js, specifically when using the Express framework, res.send() is a method used to send a response back to the client. This method is part of the response object (res) and is typically used to send data such as strings, objects, or even files in response to an HTTP request.
You can use res.send() to send different types of data such as:
Plain text (String)
Buffer (Binary Data)
JSON Object
Also, you can send a file using res.sendFile(< filePath >)
Automatically Handling Content-Type
One of the advantages of res.send() is that it automatically determines the Content-Type header based on the data you send. For example:
If you send a string, the Content-Type is set to text/html or text/plain.
If you send an object or array, the Content-Type is set to application/json.
Ending the Response
After calling res.send(), the response is automatically ended, and no further data can be sent. If you need to add headers or perform other actions before sending the response, make sure to do so before calling res.send().
res.status() is a method used to set the HTTP status code for the response that will be sent to the client. The status code indicates the outcome of the HTTP request, such as success, redirection, client error, or server error.
In this example, the server responds with a status code of 200 (which means โOKโ) and the text โOKโ when the root URL (/) is accessed.
Common HTTP Status Codes
1xx Informational
100 Continue
101 Switching Protocols
2xx Success
200 OK
201 Created
204 No Content
3xx Redirection
301 Moved Permanently
302 Found
304 Not Modified
4xx Client Errors
400 Bad Request
401 Unauthorized
403 Forbidden
404 Not Found
422 Unprocessable Entity
5xx Server Errors
500 Internal Server Error
502 Bad Gateway
503 Service Unavailable
504 Gateway Timeout
res.status() is often chained with res.send(), res.json(), or res.end() to send a response along with the status code:
app.use() is a method in Express.js that you can use to add middleware functions to your Express application. Middleware functions are functions that have access to the request object (req), the response object (res), and the next function in the applicationโs request-response cycle.
Key Points:
Order Matters : Middleware is executed in the order it is defined in the code.
Global vs. Route-Specific : Middleware defined with app.use() without a path applies globally to all routes. You can also apply middleware to specific routes.
Next Function : The next function is used to pass control to the next middleware function. If next() is not called, the request will be left hanging.
Common Use Cases:
Logging : Log requests details.
Authentication : Check if a user is authenticated before accessing certain routes.
Static Files : Serve static files like images, CSS, etc.
Error Handling : Handle errors and send appropriate responses.
app.get() is a method in Express.js used to define a route handler for HTTP GET requests to a specific path. When the server receives a GET request for that path, the callback function you provide to app.get() will be executed.
Key Points:
Route Parameters : app.get(โ/users/:idโ) allows you to capture part of the URL and use it in your application. You can access this parameter via req.params.
Order of Routes : Just like with app.use(), the order of routes matters. The first route that matches the incoming request is the one that gets executed.
Response Methods : res.send(), res.json(), res.render() are commonly used methods to send responses.
For the next few days, I will be highlighting the vital Express.js methods related to HTTP routing. That is why we need to talk about the different HTTP request types.
GET Purpose: Retrieve data from the server.
POST Purpose: Send data to the server to create a new resource.
PUT Purpose: Update an existing resource on the server or create it if it doesnโt exist.
PATCH Purpose: Partially update an existing resource on the server.
DELETE Purpose: Remove a resource from the server.
There is more, but these are the most commonly used HTTP requests in any backend.
Both and app.put() are used to define route handlers in Express for different types of HTTP requests, but they serve different purposes in the context of RESTful APIs and web development.
Purpose: Handles HTTP POST requests.
Usage: Typically used to create new resources on the server.
It sends data to the server, usually through the request body.
A POST request can have side effects on the server, like creating a new entry in a database.
POST requests are not idempotent, meaning making the same POST request multiple times can result in different outcomes (e.g., multiple records being created).
Typical Use Case: Submitting a form to create a new user, product, or post in a database.
2. app.put()
Purpose: Handles HTTP PUT requests.
Usage: Typically used to update an existing resource on the server.
It sends data to the server to replace an existing resource with the provided data.
PUT requests are idempotent, meaning making the same PUT request multiple times will result in the same outcome (e.g., the same resource being updated to the same state).
Usually requires the resource identifier (like an ID) to specify which resource should be updated.
Typical Use Case: Updating a userโs profile information or changing the status of an order.
In Express.js, the req object represents the HTTP request that is made to the server. It contains information about the incoming request, including data such as query parameters, route parameters, body data, and headers. This object is essential for processing the request and generating a response.
The req object is powerful because it gives you access to all the information sent by the client, allowing you to tailor your responses accordingly.
The req.body object in Express.js contains the data sent by the client in the body of an HTTP request. This is particularly useful when handling POST, PUT, PATCH, or DELETE requests where data is sent to the server to create, update, or delete a resource.
To access req.body, you need to use middleware that parses the incoming request body and populates it into req.body. The most common middleware used for this purpose is express.json() for JSON data and express.urlencoded() for form data.
Example Request: If a form submits data with fields username and password, you can access them with req.body.username and req.body.password.
req.params and req.query are two properties of the req object that allow you to access different parts of the incoming request URL.
โข Purpose: Contains route parameters, which are named placeholders in the URL defined by: in the route path.
โข Usage: Access dynamic parts of the URL, such as an ID, username, or any other variable defined in the route.
โข Purpose: Contains query string parameters, which are key-value pairs sent in the URL after the ?.
โข Usage: Access optional parameters that are typically used for filtering, sorting, searching, or other similar tasks. 100daysofcodelebanon-mug
In Express.js, req.headers and req.ip are properties of the req object that provide additional information about the incoming HTTP request. They can be used to access metadata like the clientโs IP address or the headers sent along with the request.
โข Purpose: Contains all the HTTP headers sent by the client as key-value pairs.
โข Usage: Access specific headers to make decisions based on the requestโs metadata, such as content type, authentication tokens, or user-agent strings.
โข req.headers[โcontent-typeโ] retrieves the Content-Type header, which indicates the media type of the resource or the data in the body (e.g., application/json).
โข req.headers[โuser-agentโ] retrieves the User-Agent header, which contains information about the client software (e.g., browser or device type).
Common Headers
โข Authorization: Typically used to send credentials for authentication, like a token or API key
โข Accept: Indicates the media types that are acceptable for the response.
โข Host: Specifies the domain name of the server and the TCP port number on which the server is listening.
โข Purpose: Contains the IP address of the client making the request.
โข Usage: Useful for logging, security checks, rate limiting, or geo-location-based services.
โข req.headers: Access all headers sent by the client. Useful for getting metadata like content types, authentication tokens, and user agents.
โข req.ip: Retrieve the clientโs IP address. Useful for logging, security, and location-based features.