The 4.7.1 MongoDB Java & JVM Drivers have been released

Release Notes:
This is a patch release that fixes a potential data corruption bug in RewrapManyDataKey when rotating encrypted data encryption keys backed by GCP or Azure key services.

The following conditions will trigger this bug:

  • A GCP-backed or Azure-backed data encryption key being rewrapped requires fetching an access token for decryption of the data encryption key.

The result of this bug is that the key material for all data encryption keys being rewrapped is replaced by new randomly generated material, destroying the original key material.

To mitigate potential data corruption, upgrade to this version or higher before using RewrapManyDataKey to rotate Azure-backed or GCP-backed data encryption keys. A backup of the key vault collection should always be taken before key rotation.

The list of JIRA tickets resolved in this release is available on Java driver Jira project.

Documentation on the MongoDB Java driver will be updated in due course and can be found here:

There are no known backwards breaking changes in this release.

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