Suggestions - Aggregation query for nested embedded documents

I have this stores collection with embedded docs cashierBoxes and cashierBoxes has embedded docs “inOutMovements”

I have been trying to make a query to get the inOutMovements sorted by date (descending) with pagination using ($sort, $skip and $limit) but I’m getting the error “Sort exceeded memory limit of 33554432 bytes”, I already added allowDiskUse(true) and an index to my store schema.

Am I doing something in the wrong order during aggregate?

await StoreModel.aggregate([
          $match: {
            _id: Types.ObjectId(storeId)
          $unwind: {
            path: '$cashierBoxes',
          $match: {
            "cashierBoxes._id": Types.ObjectId(id)
          $unwind: {
            path: '$cashierBoxes.inOutMovements'
          $lookup: {
            from: "user",
            localField: "cashierBoxes.inOutMovements.createdBy",
            foreignField: "_id",
            as: "cashierBoxes.inOutMovements.createdBy",
            pipeline: [
                $project: {
                  _id: 1,
                  name: 1
          $unwind: {
            path: "$cashierBoxes.inOutMovements.createdBy",
            preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: true,
        { $sort: { "": -1 } },
        { $skip: +pageNum * +limit },
        { $limit: +limit },
            _id: {
              _id: "$cashierBoxes._id",
              name: "$",
            inOutMovements: {
              $push: {
                $cond: [
                  { $gte: ["$cashierBoxes.inOutMovements.amount", 0] },
const StoreSchema = new Schema({
  cashierBoxes: {
    type: [CashierBoxSchema],
    required: true,
    default: []
  "_id": 1,
  "cashierBoxes._id": 1,
  "": - 1

const CashierBoxSchema = new Schema({
  createdBy: {
    ref: 'user',
    type: Schema.Types.ObjectId,
  inOutMovements: {
    type: [CashierBoxActivity],
    required: false,
    default: []

const CashierBoxActivity = new Schema({
  date: {
    type: Date,
    required: true
  createdBy: {
    ref: 'user',
    type: Schema.Types.ObjectId,
    required: false

Hello @Rene_Mercado ,

Welcome to The MongoDB Community Forums! :wave:

Can you please confirm if your index is in accordance to the sort required?
This is because, while performing a sort, MongoDB first attempts to fetch documents using order specified in the index. When no index is available it will try to load the documents into memory and sort them. By default this sort memory limit is 32 MB and if it reaches this limit, above error is thrown.

Below are some ways to solve this.

  • Create index for the sort, please read Use Indexes to Sort Query Results
  • Set allowDiskUse to true : Operation will continue using disk file storage instead of RAM
  • If bucket pattern suits your case then you can also take a look at below blog


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