Spring SimpleMongoRepository save behaviour

Consider the following Java Class.

class Transaction {
public String id;
public String firstProperty;
public String secondProperty;

class TransactionRepository extends MongoRepository<TransactionInfo , String> {

In Java following code is executed :

Transaction transaction = new Transaction("T1");

Following document is created.

firstProperty: "first"

If this piece of code is executed later :

Transaction transaction = new Transaction("T1");

Expected Document :

firstProperty: "first",
secondProperty: "second"

Actual Document:

secondProperty: "second"

From what I read in MongoDB docs I expect the document to be updated with “secondProperty” but it results in the removal of “firstProperty” . I think the document is getting created again, instead of getting updated. Please let me know if I am missing something.

Hi @Sandeep_Siddaramaiah and welcome in the MongoDB Community :muscle: !

Save != Update.

Save replaces the entire document ─ based on the _id by the new one while an update applies the transformation.

See the doc:


If you want to add a new field, you should use an update with the $set operator.


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