Spanish -- untranslated message


Hi @Jack_Woehr,

Thanks for reporting this. Translations are part of the default Discourse configuration, but we haven’t actively checked all of the site messaging in available languages yet. The selection of locales with default translation will give us some early insight into community interest, and hopefully having translation of some core actions and messaging is better than no translation.

We would love to see some community involvement in creating and updating translations, but we aren’t ready to get those projects started yet. We are planning for more international language resources and discussions in the new year, including language-based user groups. For example, there is a French speaking MongoDB User Group hosting a first event in January.

If anyone is interested in potentially speaking or co-organising a language-based user group (or any user group), we have a signup form to become a community leader and a User Groups forum category for discussion.


Hi Stennie –

Good to chat with you, thanks for all the help as I learn MongoDB.

I am “fluent but not native” in French and Spanish so I might attend such (virtual) events though I probably would not be a suitable speaker. I’ll check that out.


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