sometimes FindAsync(), FindOneAndReplaceAsync(), UpdateOneAsync() taking longer than 25 mins to finish

Hi team, I am using .net driver to query mongo in my .net applicaiton. I am using repository pattern. Sometimes for FindAsync(), FindOneAndReplaceAsync(), UpdateOneAsync() methods it is taking longer than 25 minutes times to finish. I have ran a profiler on mongodb for queries longer than 2000 ms but none of these queries I see there.
I observed this in New relic. This is an intermittent issue. Sharing the code below, please help me to figureout.
Ignore the cancellation token, I am not passing it in order to resolve this issue.

// connectionstirng

“ConnectionString”: “”,

public class MongoLogRepo
private readonly IMongoCollection<Nhcx_Mongo_Log> _mongoRepo;
private readonly IMongoCollection _mongoRepoProfile;

public MongoLogRepo(
    IOptions<MongoDatabaseSettings> MongoDbSettings)
    var mongoClient = new MongoClient(

    var mongoDatabase = mongoClient.GetDatabase(

    _mongoRepo = mongoDatabase.GetCollection<Nhcx_Mongo_Log>(
    _mongoRepoProfile = mongoDatabase.GetCollection<ProfileCache>(
//public async Task<List<Nhcx_Mongo_Log>> GetAsync() =>
//   await _mongoRepo.Find(_ => true).ToListAsync();

public async Task<List<Nhcx_Mongo_Log>> GetAsync(string id) =>
   await _mongoRepo.Find(x => x._Id == id).ToListAsync();

public async Task<List<Nhcx_Mongo_Log>> GetAsync(Expression<Func<Nhcx_Mongo_Log, bool>> predicate, CancellationToken token)
        return await _mongoRepo.Find(predicate).ToListAsync();
    catch (OperationCanceledException)
        Console.WriteLine("Operation cancelled");
    return new List<Nhcx_Mongo_Log>();

public async Task<bool> Update(string id, Dictionary<string, object>value)
        Console.WriteLine($" {DateTime.Now} in Mongo update");
        var updList = new List<UpdateDefinition<Nhcx_Mongo_Log>>();
        foreach (var kvp in value)
            updList.Add(Builders<Nhcx_Mongo_Log>.Update.Set(kvp.Key, kvp.Value));
        var final = Builders<Nhcx_Mongo_Log>.Update.Combine(updList);
        var updateResult = await _mongoRepo.UpdateOneAsync(rec => rec._Id == id, final)
        return updateResult.IsAcknowledged &&
           updateResult.ModifiedCount > 0;

    catch (Exception ex)
        throw new Exception ("Error while updating the Mongo "+ Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ex));
public async Task<bool> AddUpdate(Nhcx_Mongo_Log record)
    if (record != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(record.CoRelationId))
            var updateRecord = await _mongoRepo.FindOneAndReplaceAsync(x => x.CoRelationId == record.CoRelationId, record);

            if (updateRecord == null)
                await _mongoRepo.InsertOneAsync(record);
            return true;
        catch (Exception ex)
            throw new Exception("Mongo db transaction failed");
    return false;

public Task<List<ProfileCache>>? FetchProfileAsync<T>(Expression<Func<ProfileCache, bool>> predicate)
    return _mongoRepoProfile.Find(predicate).ToListAsync();

public void AddProfiles(List<ProfileCache> profile)


/// Calling methods

var data = await _mongoDb.GetAsync(x => x.CoRelationId == cid, token);

await _mongoDb.AddUpdate(log);