Slow aggregate $COUNT

The aggregate below runs in less than 1 second without the final $count stage. But with the $count it takes 562 seconds to run (8 vcpus and 62GB RAM). The count result is 212436.

Any directions for having a faster count?

    "$match": {
      "isDeleted": false,
      "tenant_id": ObjectId( "5ec2a723a73af34fd5964c93" ),
      "$or": [
          "emails": {
            "$exists": true,
            "$not": {
              "$size": 0
          "cellphones": {
            "$exists": true,
            "$not": {
              "$size": 0
  { "$lookup": {
    "from": "events",
    "let": { "cId": "$_id" },
    "pipeline": [
      { "$match": 
                 { "$expr":
                    { "$and":
                          { "$eq": [ "$contact_id", "$cId"] }
                           "6059ff5a2aa6a105ae85d7f1": {
                               "$sum": { 
                                   "$cond": [                     
                                   { "$and":
                                              { "$eq": [ "$channel", "email" ] },
                                              { "$eq": [ "$event", "open"] },
                                              { "$eq": [ "$campaign_id", ObjectId( "60648747f78ba3fd5b00e8ba" ) ] }
                                        }, 1, 0 ]
    "as": "events"
    "$unwind": {
      "path": "$events",
      "preserveNullAndEmptyArrays": true
     "$addFields": {
     "6059ff5a2aa6a105ae85d7f1": "$events.6059ff5a2aa6a105ae85d7f1"
     "$project": {
     "events": 0
  { "$lookup": {
    "from": "events",
    "let": { "cId": "$_id" },
    "pipeline": [
      { "$match": 
                 { "$expr":
                    { "$and":
                          { "$eq": [ "$contact_id", "$cId"] }
                           "6075ecec3319af23fd597b0f": {
                               "$sum": { 
                                   "$cond": [                     
                                   { "$and":
                                              { "$eq": [ "$channel", "email" ] },
                                              { "$eq": [ "$event", "open"] },
                                              { "$eq": [ "$campaign_id", ObjectId( "601c1b8343e5614118d6afa5" ) ] }
                                        }, 1, 0 ]
    "as": "events"
    "$unwind": {
      "path": "$events",
      "preserveNullAndEmptyArrays": true
     "$addFields": {
     "6075ecec3319af23fd597b0f": "$events.6075ecec3319af23fd597b0f"
     "$project": {
     "events": 0
  { "$lookup": {
    "from": "tagcontacts",
    "let": { "cId": "$_id" },
    "pipeline": [
      { "$match": 
                 { "$expr":
                    { "$and":
                          { "$eq": [ "$contact_id", "$cId"] }
                           "6075ecec3319afd31e597b0c": {
                               "$sum": { 
                                   "$cond": [ { "$eq": [ "$tag", ObjectId( "60478086f4ac576583614c56" ) ] }, 1, 0 ]
    "as": "tags"
    "$unwind": {
      "path": "$tags",
      "preserveNullAndEmptyArrays": true
     "$addFields": {
     "6075ecec3319afd31e597b0c": "$tags.6075ecec3319afd31e597b0c"
     "$project": {
     "tags": 0
  { "$lookup": {
    "from": "tagcontacts",
    "let": { "cId": "$_id" },
    "pipeline": [
      { "$match": 
                 { "$expr":
                    { "$and":
                          { "$eq": [ "$contact_id", "$cId"] }
                           "6075ecec3319af462d597b0b": {
                               "$sum": { 
                                   "$cond": [ { "$eq": [ "$tag", ObjectId( "606f1b593b1622a3ec817f80" ) ] }, 1, 0 ]
    "as": "tags"
    "$unwind": {
      "path": "$tags",
      "preserveNullAndEmptyArrays": true
     "$addFields": {
     "6075ecec3319af462d597b0b": "$tags.6075ecec3319af462d597b0b"
     "$project": {
     "tags": 0
    "$match": {
      "$and": [
          "$and": [
              "6075ecec3319af23fd597b0f": 0
              "6059ff5a2aa6a105ae85d7f1": 0
          "$and": [
              "6075ecec3319afd31e597b0c": {
                "$lt": 1
              "6075ecec3319af462d597b0b": {
                "$lt": 1
    "$count": "Quantos" 
{ "allowDiskUse": true })´´´

Hello @Admin_MlabsPages_mLa,
May you provide the explain(“executionStats”) output for both cases? (with and without $count)

As a matter of fact the explains don’t say much… For both cases the index being used is one that is compounded by the first $match fields.

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